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MA in Euro-Mediterranean & Cultural Studies with Emphasis on Cultural Diplomacy

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MA in Euro-Mediterranean & Cultural Studies with Emphasis on Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

(Program Start: Summer Semester - Berlin, June 3rd, 2013)

When: Year Round


Operating under a joint partnership, The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI), and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy are the first institutions to offer a Master of Arts degree program that will educate students from around the world in several academic disciplines related to International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy with an emphasis on Euro-Mediterranean Studies. The MA Program is designed therefore to provide students with an in-depth awareness and expertise in the discipline of International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, within the context of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Key objectives of the program:

  • To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
  • To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.
  • To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within the international relations discourse in the recognition that each element is mutually important and compatible in what Prof. Joseph Nye has characterized as “smart power.

Program Overview & Structure:

The international environment of the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies Campus offers students a unique opportunity to interact with leading experts and academics at a wide variety of international organizations and research centers. This exceptional learning environment leads to original research and independent study opportunities.

The program provides a thorough background in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach. The program addresses contemporary international issues, with classroom seminars supplemented by lectures and briefings at international and non-governmental organizations; educational events, conferences, tours, and meetings with foreign officials are further incorporated into the curriculum.

Students will meet with leading experts working in international organizations, embassies, and academic institutions, and will engage with specialists in the areas of International Relations, Politics, Human Rights, Culture, Peace Building, Multilateral Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, Development, and Economics.

The program provides students with practical experience for both academic and professional development. It allows students to create a solid professional network and form a concrete base for future academic and professional career choices. On a practical level, the program prepares students for engagement in the international arena, civil society, politics, governmental organizations and international economic organizations.


•The program offers students a core curriculum of International Relations, which will prepare the student for a vast array of career opportunities across the world.

•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.

•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy which is currently a rare yet rapidly increasing and important field within the public sector, private sector and civil society.

•Students of this program will be significantly advantaged in the political arena against students who simply obtain an MA in international relations.

•During the “Professional Training” semester of the MA students will be able to create and implement their own programs and Initiatives.

•Graduates will discover that the curriculum and faculty prepare them for evolving careers in academia and all public and private international sector

Program Cost: Tuition for the program is €12, 000 (€3, 000 per semester).

Dates & Deadlines:

For Enrollment to the Fall Semester 2013:

Enrollment Day: June 3rd, 2013

Deadline for Admissions: March 31st, 2013

Key words: graduate program, graduate degree, MA course, Diplomacy, International Relations, International Affairs, culture, cultural diplomacy, soft power, smart power, inter-cultural affairs, nation branding, peace, civil society, conflict, resolution, sustainability, politics, Global Studies, Global Affairs, Crisis Management, European studies, cross-cultural, international trade, market orientation, political economy, integration, human rights, entrepreneurship, education,

ICD link: www.ccds-berlin.de

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