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HU-Sprachtest ?

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Hey !
Ich vorbereite jetzt mein Erasmus Jahr in der HU. Für die Bewerbung muss man ein Sprachtest online führen ; ich finde doch überhaupt keine Info dazu. Da ein besondere Punktzahl erreicht werden muss, um in der HU akzeptiert zu werden, macht es mich ein bisschen besorgt. (der Test darf nur einmal gemacht werden...)
Haben sie es gemacht ? Was für Fragen gibt es drin ? Haben sie es schwer gehabt, die verlangenen 60 Pünkte zu erreichen ?

Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe und Meinungen !!

Hi Noemie, I'll answer in English if you don't mind. I have already done it, with a friend of mine (my level of german is not very high), and it's a "fill in the gaps"-based test. You have 30 minutes to do it. There are like 5 texts and you have to fill the gaps in some words, for example a half of the word, or an article (you know, akkusativ, dativ...) and things like that. I have to say that my friend knows a lot of german and for her was a "really strange" test, and it was actually pretty hard... Anyway I guess you have a good level of german; in that case I don't think you'll have any problem with it. But if you don't, I recommend you to look for some help.

By the way, I think that you don't have to reach the 60 points mark, I think it's enough with 35. I had 53. If you want to know something else just ask!

Yes, there is no information about the test, I had the same problem... I think a C1 is good enough for you if you study social sciences. That makes a lot of sense, because if someone studies Literature for example, he or she should have a good understanding of German... Anyway, it wasn't 35-60, but 35-50. I was wrong. I don't know why they make another German test; I already made mine here in my University, like everyone else.
Yes, I'm going to study at Humboldt next year. I study Computer sciences (in Adlershof, pretty damn far, but well... :P) and you? Are you going to ask for a room in a residence or are you going to look for a flat?
Good luck with the test!

Yes, the no-choice thing is a pitty. At first I wanted a flat too, but later I thought that maybe it was going to be a little bit complicated to find one with people you get on well with. I just hope I'm given a more or less nice room, and in case I don't like it, I hope that I'll find people to rent a flat after the first three months :P

Wow! Sehr gut! :P

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