Erasmus Amsterdam 2015 / 2016 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
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Luke Betts-Clarke
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
If we can get a place for about 1000 euros, and pay about 300 or 250 each, that would be great.
Alistair Hughes
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
When is everyone going out? I could be in on this too but I will be there at the end of this month so if I haven't found a perminant place by the time that everyone else is out I could join you all?
Beki Herrero
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Hi guys! Please, help me!!
I am moving to Amsterdam in August and I am desperately looking for a place to stay! Preferably a studio, but a double room in a shared apartment will do as well. Max. budget 650€!
Raphaël Dempure
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
I am a French 21 year old student looking for an apartment or a room in a shared flat in Amsterdam from August 2015 for the whole academic year.
I'm open minded, honest and have a maximum budget of € 550 per month.
I am a student and I'm doing my 3rd year at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
I participate in housework and I looking for a room with a welcoming / friendly atmosphere.
For anyone who would have an announcement to offer me or wishing we were looking for an apartment together. Raphaël Dmpr.
Leire Azcona
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Hi guys! My name is Leire, and I am Spanish also going to Amsterdam for an Erasmus course. For the time being I will only be there for the first semester, I still dont really know if I will stay the whole year, but probably not.
I study English in the Oviedo University, and I have lived three years in a student residence so I am quite used to living with other people and so on. I tried to find accommodation through the University but have been put in a waiting list so I am searching for something by now because at the moment I would have to sleep under a bridge or somewhere :(
If you guys are interested in sharing an appartment or anything, please contact me, I am really mad at this and it just sounds all so bad, looking for a place to live in without seeing it properly and without the chance to see if all is going to work out... BTW, BEST LUCK FOR YOU ALL! SEE U IN AMSTERDAM!
Shruti Gautam
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Hi all, I am Shruti from India. I will be coming to Amsterdam in August as my course starts then. My institution is near the city centre so I prefer to be closer. I am 27 years old and have no hangups about sharing a living space with a female roommate. My hobbies are reading and listening to music. Hope to stay in touch. :)
Jennifer Faybusovich
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Hello All!
My name is Jennifer and I am from Brooklyn, New York ( I guess in someways it was Amsterdam ;) ) I am going to be studying at UvA in the fall 2015-2016 anyone else coming from NYC on the 17th of August?
Suzanne Moț
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Anyone in Amsterdam on the 20 th of august and needs a roommate ? :) :)I'm from Romania , I'm 18 and I will be studying a 4 years degree in tourism management and can't wait to meet new people
Lovisa Koch
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
I will be in Amsterdam from the 20th of August to start my studies at the UvA in September and are looking for a place to live. I am open for any offers! I am a 18 year old girl from Sweden, happy, ordery, friendly person who loves to socialize and meet new people!
Sophia Forchhammer
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Have any of you had any luck finding accomoncation on this site? I am starting to get desperate! Looking for a place from the end of next week or just this month. Sophia
Nona Lambrechts
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Are there still people desperatly looking for a place and willing to team up?
I'm studying at the University of Amsterdam during the first semester (september-january) so I was wondering if one of you would like to team up and find a place together?
Why is this so hard???!!! :(
Francisca Lynce
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Hello!! I'm also still looking!! You have to be careful because there are many scammers!!
Daniel Dos
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
i have to go to amsterdam in october !! =) if anyone know something please tell me!
Max Sanchez
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Hi !
I'm looking for a shared flat/room for 6 months. I will be there in 23th of september. Has somebody found anything? My budget is 350/400€ per month.
Annika Norborg
Geschrieben vor 9 Jahren
Hi all erasmus students in Amsterdam! My name is Annika (swedish) and I'm coming to amsterdam in january for the 2nd semester. I wonder if any on you guys have accommandation tips? Maybe one of you is moving out, or know someone who is, and need a replacer? Otherwise maybe you have general tips about good webpages, areas to prefer or to aviod? would be grateful for tips! and to maybe see you in the spring! greetings, Annika