Anyone in Zagreb from September 7?
Tarafından açılan konu Tobias van Vliet
— 9 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 2-2 tanesi gösteriliyor
Tobias van
Yazılan 9 yıl önce
I will arrive in Zagreb 7 September. unfortunately my roommates will not be there until september 20. Is there anyone in Zagreb already from september 7 that would want to go see the city with me and drink a few beers or so during the first two weeks?
Noora Harkio
Yazılan 9 yıl önce
I'll arrive already on the 30th of August and my internship starts on the 7th of September. My roommate also arrives at the end of August and I think we both would be interested in exploring the city and having a beer or two :) Feel free to send me a pm once you get to Zagreb!
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