Erasmus Tallaght 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Tarafından açılan konu Erasmusu Staff
— 11 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 8-8 tanesi gösteriliyor
Erasmusu Staff
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
¡Bienvenido al foro de Erasmus Tallaght 2014 / 2015!
Este es el lugar para que todos los Erasmus y estudiantes de intercambio que vamos a Tallaght en 2014 / 2015 nos presentemos y conozcamos antes de llegar. Preséntate y pregunta tus dudas sobre los precios y cuánto se gasta en Tallaght, dónde comer, los sitios para salir de fiesta Erasmus o cualquier otra duda que tengas. También puedes ver:
- Los alojamientos en Tallaght
- Otros estudiantes que buscan alojamiento
- Trabajo para estudiantes en Tallaght
- El foro general de Tallaght
- Los blogs Erasmus de Tallaght
- Qué ver en Tallaght, la fiesta Erasmus, dónde comer
- Experiencias Erasmus en Tallaght
- La gente que estuvo, está y estará en Tallaght
- La galería de fotos de Tallaght
- El tiempo y mapa de Tallaght
- Las universidades de Tallaght
¡Atención para los que quieren anunciar su alojamiento o están buscándolo! Para anunciar tu alojamiento en Tallaght o para buscar compañeros de piso, no utilices este el foro sino la sección alojamiento de Tallaght.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Ana Gomez
Yazılan 10 yıl önce
Hola! Me llamo Ana, tengo 22 años, y el año que viene, me voy al Institute of Technology Tallaght,aestudiar Publicidad. Soy de Madrid y estudio en la Universidad San pablo Ceu. Estoy bastante perdida con el tema de las residencias, porque no se cual coger, y no se si esta lejos o cerca del centro de dublin. Alguien que pueda ayudarme? o que vaya a mi misma universidad?
benjamin VARO
Yazılan 10 yıl önce
I Ana!
My name is Benjamin, I am 20 years old. Like you, I will studying at Institute of Technlogy Tallaght in Mechanical Engineering next year. I found a accommodation on this website:
"Tramway court" is awsome! 50 meters of ITT and you can be alone or with a roommate in these apartments. That's why I'm looking for a roommate, but it's impossible to be with one male and one female in a flat except if we are a couple. So, if you know a guy who will studying at ITT next year and who is looking for a roommate, please send me his mail adress.
Thank you ahead ;)
Talk soon.
Juliette Cl
Yazılan 10 yıl önce
Hello guys !
I'm Juliette, I'm 20 and I'm going to study marketing and advertising next year at IT Tallaght ! Ana, I think we're going to study together :)
Well, I'm asking if you're already looking for a flat ?
The apartments you gave are very expensive, I hope we're going to find less expensives ones.
See you soon.
Jesus P
Yazılan 10 yıl önce
Hi! My name is Jesús, I´m from Spain. I´m 21 and next academic year I´m studying at the ITT a bachelor in Marketing and Advertising. I´m looking for accommodation too. I wrote an e-mail to TramwayCourt, but they have not answered me yet.
I´m a rugby player, so if someone plays too, do not hesitate to contact me.
See you!!!
Javier López
Yazılan 10 yıl önce
Hello everyone!
I am Javier and i was on Erasmus in Tallaght this year. About accommodation, which is the most important thing, I suggest you trying to book a flat at Tramway Court otherwise you will have to live with a family since it is quite complicate to rent a house with other students (furthermore it is very expensive too and it will bring you a lot of problems, and Im saying so from my own experience).
If any of you needs a piece of advice or help just contact me, I will be willing to help you as much as I can.
Andrés Ligero
Yazılan 10 yıl önce
Hi my name is Andrés, and I'm 23 years old, I'm going to studying Humanities in IT Tallaght next year.
Andrés Ligero
Yazılan 10 yıl önce
I think it is the best form for talking about all our questions and I think that it will help us get to know each other better. Thank you and see you soon.
1 gönderinin 8-8 tanesi gösteriliyor