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Internship / placement civil engineering

Tarafından açılan konu flag-se Melina Dee — 5 yıl önce

1 gönderinin 1-1 tanesi gösteriliyor


Hello my dear erasmuses! As I'm desperate to find an erasmus placement in Stockholm, Sweden in the filed of civil engineering/ field survey/ research assistant/ construction or anything on the subject and I have sent tones of emails in a variety of companies and whatever I was able to find in the internet, but... I didn't get any reply back. So, I would really appreciate your assistance if you could suggest any company, people, websites, forums anything to I contact because I start to think that definately I'm doing something wrong, it's not possible to not be able to find a damn traineeship, right?

Thanks in advance!

1 gönderinin 1-1 tanesi gösteriliyor


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