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Tarafından açılan konu flag-xx Ana Elías — 2 yıl önce

1 gönderinin 5-5 tanesi gösteriliyor



Buscamos compañera de piso para el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2022/2023 en Sevilla (zona Triana/ Los Remedios). El piso está muy cerca del centro (Facultades de Historia y Filología), y comunicado con los campus de La Cartuja (bus) y las facultades de Derecho y Economía (metro). Muy cerca de boca de metro (conexión con la Universidad Pablo de Olavide), varios supermercados y gimnasios.

Contáctame por privado


We are looking for a roommate for the first semester of the 2022/2023 academic year in Seville (Triana/Los Remedios area). The flat is very close to the center (Faculties of History and Philology), and communicated with the La Cartuja campus (bus) and the Faculties of Law and Economics (underground). Very close to the mouth of the underground (connection with the Pablo de Olavide University), several supermarkets and gyms.

Send me a private message


Cerchiamo coinquilina per il primo semestre dell'anno accademico 2022/2023 a Siviglia (zona Triana/Los Remedios). L'appartamento è vicinissimo al centro (Facoltà di Storia e Filologia) e comunica con il campus La Cartuja (autobus) e le Facoltà di Giurisprudenza ed Economia (metropolitana). Vicinissimo allo sbocco della metropolitana (collegamento con l'Università Pablo de Olavide), a diversi supermercati e palestre.

Contattami per privato

Hi, Ana! How are you doing? I'm 22 years old and I'm moving to Sevilla in september. I would like to know if you are looking for only one roommate, as long as I'm going with another brazilian friend (also a girl) and at the first moment we are thinking about living together, I study psychology and she studies history. Besides, how many you are? Tell me more about you all so that we can know each other (:

Hi! The apartment is really well situated for both of you, but unfortunately, we only need 1 roommate :(

It would be an individual bedroom, and there are other 3 students (all of them are girls) with their own bedroom. The rent is 237.5€/month (including water and community expenses).
Let me know if you are interested!!! 

Hi, Ana! Yes I am interested in. Somethings have changed and now I'm going alone, so one individual bedroom sounds good! I would like to check the apartment and the location... Thank you for your contact (:

Nice! It's only 22 min till the faculty of psichology if you take the underground (i personally recomend it). If you want to see the apartment we can set a date to it. Or, if you are not in seville, I can send you a video :)

1 gönderinin 5-5 tanesi gösteriliyor


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