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Erasmus Sevilla 2010 / 2011 (English)

Tarafından açılan konu flag-es Erasmusu Staff — 14 yıl önce

1 gönderinin 20-51 tanesi gösteriliyor

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Welcome to the forum for Sevilla 2010 / 2011!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Sevilla in 2010 / 2011 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Sevilla, etc. Here you can also find:

- The general forum for Sevilla
- People who have been, are and will be in Sevilla
- A photo gallery of Sevilla
- Erasmus experiences in Sevilla
- The map and weather in Sevilla
- The Universities in Sevilla

If you're a student who's spent time in Sevilla in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Sevilla by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Sevilla win the number one spot!

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

Hey people!
Im going to Sevilla on September! Im gonna study Journalism at Universidad de Sevilla!
Who else is going?

Hola :)
Im going to study economics (business) at Universidad Pablo de Olavide. I will be there from 11th of september :)
Hasta luego!
Saludos y besos :)

Hey guys! I will be doing some events in Lisboa next year, and i would like to know anyone who lives in Sevilla to prepare some trip to there...and also if you wanna come to Lisbon, you will be all welcome! Visit us here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001094385481

Hola a todos!!! I'm a Spanish guy from Sevilla and I've been on Erasmus in Lyon (France) last year! I don't want to be an "ex-erasmus" so I really would like to keep living la vida Erasmus! I study business at Pablo de Olavide's University and I live in the city center. I can introduce you many friends, show you the city, where to go out at night, etc, or help you finding a place to live!! If you want to meet me you can look at facebook by the name "Salva Perez Rodriguez"!
Espero que nos veamos pronto! Un saludo y ala! a salir de fiesta!!

Hola Salvador! I've sent you a friend request in facebook by "erasmus orgasmus lisboa", we want to do some trip to sevilla, i don't know yet when! See you! ;)

Hola :)

I'm going to study Clasic Philology in Sevilla and I'm too lazy to write more :D

Hi everyone. I am from Bristol in England, I am coming to Seville on the 13th of September. Does anyone think this is too late to arrive? I am going to study linguistics for the whole year. Is anyone staying in a hostel for a few days whilst they find somewhere to live? Any recommenations for any hostels? Thanks x x

Hi everyone !

I am going to study Filologia Hispanica en Sevilla :) I am caming in september! Somebody needs maybe a roommate?:>

Un saludo!

Hi Georgina! the hostel Max gave you is very good! another good option would be the hostelling international, which depends on the Spanish government! here you are the webpage:


Thankyou very much, thisa is awesome :)

this is* oops spelling error.

Hi, I'm also going to be arriving on the 13th of September. I'm booking into a hostel when I arrive so maybe I'll book into the one Max and Salvador have recommended.

I'm also looking for people to share an apartment!

Yeah I was thinking about looking in to those hostels. Where abouts are you from? Are you flying from Bristol? I Haven't spoken to anyone else from England/ Great Britain thats going over, have you? I am also keen to share an apartent :) xx

No im flying from Liverpool but im from Manchester.
Some people from my Uni are going, but I don't really know them.
I've emailed a few people about apartments so im going to go and have a look around them when I arrive! But i think im defo gonna book into that hostel so ill see you there!
eek it's sooo scary!

Hello to everybody!!I am student of the University of Seville.
If some one needs classes of Spanish I can help to you.
I was studying Business Economic Sciences(Diplomatura en Ciencias económicas)and actually Investigation and Techniques of the Market(Investigación y técnicas de mercado) so I can help to you in your studies and also in your exams.
If someone is interested please let me know!!My
email is: [email protected]

Hello to everybody!!I am a Spanish guy from Sevilla and student of University of Seville.
If some one needs classes of Spanish I can help to you.
I was studying Business Economic Sciences(Diplomatura en Ciencias económicas) and actually Investigation and Techniques of the Market(Investigación y técnicas de mercado) so I can help to you in your studies and also in your exams.If someone is interested please let me know!!My
email is: [email protected]

Im going to sevilla on september.I study tourism management.Is there anybody who study tourism.

Im going to sevilla on september.I study tourism management.Is there anybody who study toruism.

I'm coming on 18th of september to study Spanish Philology:) Can't wait to meet you!:)
By the way, I still don't have room:( If somebody knows something, let me know, please!I can live with other people of Erasmus as well with somebody from Seville.Saludos!:)

1 gönderinin 20-51 tanesi gösteriliyor

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