Leandro Iorio
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
I am going to Riga for few months....anyone has tips for a good accommodation, like websites and suggestions about areas to prefer?
Josh T
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
hey Leo! a very cool website is www.riga-guide.com, there is a section with many hotels and hotels booking facility (really cheap some of them) and tons of local urban places to visit. Used it myself couple times, so highly reccomend. They also ahve a chat facility, so you can askthem questions in real time
Josh T
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
No, but I love that place and wish I could come back again! By, the way, about accommodation- just post on ther Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/rigaguide and some people who are also in search of accommodation will respond, perhaps you coudl get a good flatshare! :)
Leandro Iorio
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
actually their wall is blocked but I will give a try...thanks a lot :D so happy you told me it's a good place where to stay...ciao
Arnis Zālītis
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi, we have a site www.ss.lv it has all possible apartment offers! Its in latvian and russian, but with a help of google translator you should be able to understand whats going on there! Best place for living is Vecrīga (old town) but its the most expensive one, then center and after that Purvciems, Teika, Mežciems, Ziepniekkalns who are cheaper but have a good public transportation conection with center! Hope this helps, you can ask me some specific questions if you want and will try to help you!
mariam kalule
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hey Leo,
Monte Kristo is a nice hotel in the city centre, also Konveta Centrs, next to galerija centr!
I will also rent out my appartment ( i live in Riga now because i study here) if annyone is interested. It's in the very centre of the city, Dom square, but it will be in the summer.
good luck and have fun!
Daniela Copova
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi Leo,
I guess you're going to Riga for Erasmus, the best choice for accomodation for the beginning is The Green Apple hostel. Many Erasmus sudents come here until they find a permanent place to stay. You can also find roommates to share a flat with (if you like to do that). And also all the friendships start here ;). Good luck! :)
Leandro Iorio
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
thanks everybody, i will check out on the website, Mariam when r u going to rent it?
Raul M.
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
I would recommend you frank hostel (www.franks.lv) the best hostel in Riga and with a free beer included in the check in. It is next to bus station and you have in a walking distance everything you need (party, old town...). Take care, good luck and enjoy this great city and country!
mariam kalule
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hey !
I will rent it out from june, and also if somebody needs it this easter....
Also a week in may (last week) 24-31 or something!
Jamal Sage
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
"from june" means you'll rent it out temporarily or permanently?
btw. hi, I'm going to study in Riga this winter aswell, therefore would also need an accomodation - if anybody's interested in sharing a flat, feel free to contact me
mariam kalule
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
I will rent out my apartment from the 3rd week of june untill august!
If you are interested let me know!
Grace Gh
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi Jamal, you're going to Riga this winter? Does that mean your apartment/house is freed up? I;m looking for accomodation in Munich and best if it's near LMU. Let me know if you know any offers.
Facebook: Grace Gh
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