Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

web with some interesting places of Poznan

Tarafından açılan konu flag-es kik xxx — 14 yıl önce

1 gönderinin 5-5 tanesi gösteriliyor


a friend sent me this web page...they publish some things about Poznan, could interest anyone new coming to Poznan?


cheap and nice hostel...25zl per night


Thank for the hostel information! I'm going to go to Poznan in January and I'm sure it will a good place to be while I'm looking for a room there. By the way do u know any web page or something where I can use to find a room? Thanks!!

Que no hay problema,ahí va mi numero aqui por si quieres llamar 0048696761861, llamame y vemos lo que arreglamos para cuando llegues...saludos!

Muchas gracias! Te he mandado un mail preguntandote por el piso y tal.

1 gönderinin 5-5 tanesi gösteriliyor


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