Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!


Tarafından açılan konu flag-es Juan Palacios — 14 yıl önce

1 gönderinin 7-7 tanesi gösteriliyor


Los plazos para la entrega de la solicitud han terminado el 30 de abril. Alguien sabe cuando nos notifican si estamos aceptados o no? alguien ha estado en residencias del crous?

A mi me confirmaron mi plaza en agosto... Una putada, porque a mi me aceptaron, pero hubo gente a la que no, y hasta entonces no pudo ponerse a buscar un plan alternativo. Pero como te dije, eso fue hace 3 años, quizas ya hayan mejorado algo el sistema caotico que tienen all liao

AGOSTOO??? dios mio, pero esq entonces no puedes planear bien todo... graciasss

Hello, does anyone speak english?or french? i saw there Crous and i'm interested in this aspect.But i think now it's too late.Is it?

Hi! I think it's too late now to apply to a residence from the CROUS. However, you can try to talk with your Erasmus Coordinator in Paris. I heard sometimes they can provide a student's residence even if you haven't applied until Abril 30th.

thanks for the tips. i'll try to talk to my coordinator.:)

alguuna residencia del crous que este bien? gracias

1 gönderinin 7-7 tanesi gösteriliyor


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