cyprus...coming soon
Tarafından açılan konu Ζέτα Καραβοκυράκου
— 12 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 15-15 tanesi gösteriliyor
Ζέτα Καραβοκυράκου
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
hellooo.....I am so excited, i am going to study the next winter in Nicosia, i want to know about everything there .... learning from previous students, opinions, comments ... all accepted!! :)
Alexis Fotiou
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Great! I study there :-) Now this semester I am erasmus in Poland... But from September I will be back :)
Ζέτα Καραβοκυράκου
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hello...nice to meet you...i am going to study at university of Cyprus... Social course!! Where are you from??
Marina ...
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
για σου Ζέτα, είμαι μόνιμη φοιτήτρια στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου.
Αυτό που θα σε συμβούλευα αρχικά είναι να μείνεις σε φοιτητική εστία, θα σου βγει πιο φτηνά και είναι πολύ κοντά στο Πανεπιστήμιο.
Αν δεν υπάρχουν πλέον διαθέσιμα δωμάτια τότε να ψάξεις ένα διαμέρισμα κοντά στο πανεπιστήμιο γιατί ειδικά το χειμώνα είναι ταλαιπωρία με τα λεωφορεία. Και το καλοκαίρι επίσης. Εδώ τα λεωφορεία δεν είναι όπως στην Αθήνα. Περνάνε κάθε 30 λεπτά. Η διαδρομή τους ξεκινά από τις 6 το πρωί μέχρι τις 8,30 το βράδυ (έτσι πληροφοριακά). Πλέον υπάρχουν και οι νυχτερινές διαδρομές αλλά δεν γνωρίζω πολλά.
Μια άλλη λύση είναι να βρεις σπίτι στο κέντρο της πόλης, το καλό με το κέντρο είναι ότι από το κέντρο περνάνε όλα τα λεωφορεία, επομένως μπορείς να πηγαίνεις όπου θέλεις. Επίσης στο κέντρο είναι πιο φτηνά τα διαμερίσματα αλλά λίγα θα είναι σε καλή κατάσταση.
Σίγουρα το καλύτερο είναι να βρεις διαμέρισμα κοντά στο πανεπιστήμιο για να είσαι κοντά και μαζί με τους συμφοιτητές σου. Να είσαι κοινωνική και να κάνεις πολλές φιλίες, λόγω του ότι η Κύπρος είναι μικρή και η Λευκωσία δεν έχει και πολλά να σου προσφέρει από άποψη φοιτητικής πόλης, αυτό που έχει σημασία είναι η παρέα.
Όσον αφορά το πανεπιστήμιο είναι αρκετά καλό και οργανωμένο.
Επίσης, επειδή γενικά τα διαμερίσματα στην Κύπρο είναι ακριβά 400+ ευρώ καλύτερα να βρεις ένα συγκάτοικο.
Ζέτα Καραβοκυράκου
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ , με κατατόπισες! το προβλημά μου είναι το θέμα υγιεινής οτι δεν υπαρχουν δωμάτια με ατομικό χώρο , αυτες τις μερες γινονται οι αιτήσεις, ισώς να κάνω τελικά! ευχαριστωωω πολυυυ!!!
Marina ...
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
παρακαλω :) κανε εσυ την αιτηση σου και στην τελικη αμα βρεις κατι καλητερο απλα την ακυρωνεις.
οποια αλλη βοηθεια χρειαστεις η αν εχεις καποια απορια στειλε μου :)
Jolita Visockaitė
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi, I will study at university of Cyprus from september 1st ;)) I would also join this discussion about everything in Nicosia: housing, good places, etc. ;))
Irina Giménez
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
heey! I'm from Spaain, and I'm going to cyprus from February to July, in American College!
Maiki Sophie
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
hello. I'm from Germany and i'm going to study at University of Cyprus next semester, too. and i really share the quetion about housing ;) do anybody of you already has a room?? or maybe found a good and cheap hostel for the very first days? hope, somebody can help me and i'm looking forward to see you in Nicosia :)
Daniella Barka
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hello! I'm from Hungary and I'm going to attend to College of Tourism and Hotel Management in Nicosia at the spring semester. And I would like to ask about accommodation and to find roomates... I hope somebody can give me some information.:D
Lívia Szőke
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Szia! én Lívia vagyok és itt élek Cypruson 2 éve. Most lakást keresek. Látom hogy téged is érdekel a dolog és gondoltam felvehetnénk a kapcsolatot. Minden kérdésedre szívesen válaszolok. :) Várom a leveled :) Üdv :)
Miroslav Shapovalov
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hello/γεια σας everyone!
I am a current erasmus... or campus Europae student... ah, there is no big diffrence :)
Anyway, since evryone is most concerned about the accomodation I 'd like to share some of my experience.
i came from Belarus for a year-long program in the University of Cyprus - a really cool place with lots of interesting people! And as anybody else I was thinking where could I live. So for two month before depart I was trying to find a place to rent via internet. The thing is - i've found nothing :) It was not like there was nothing to rent at all, just cypriot landlords were not really talkative with some "idk-who-you-are" from abroad when there are so many students who are looking for a flat, being in Cyprus. So i decided to find a temporary place and from there start looking for a home for the next 8 months.
I was really afraid that i won't find anything for a long time, or it will cost a lot, or the flat will be terrible, etc. In fact, finding your place being in Cyprus is much easier. There is lots of choice and opportunities. Here are just few tipps:
- Go to your university Erasmus coordinator. Usually, owners that want to rent their flats to students leave their contacts to erasmus coordinators at universities. it means that your guide through erasmus bureacracy may also appear a guide to your flat :)
- Join facebook groups of Erasmus students in Cyprus. From time to time people there hang out post with something like "AAAAA!!!! I am looking for a flatmate/flat! does anybody have something". And there is always someone who does ;)
- explore the city!
You will be surprised how many ads about places for rent you will find on each corner!
And remember, it is not something you will have to do on your own. There are always people that will be able to help. When I came to Nicosia i was completely lost. It was +35 (comparing to comfortable +21 in my country) i had this huge luggage and i didn't know where to go :) I had only one number, which has eventually led me to a cool funny and sociable cypriot guy who was holding a flat especially for Erasmus students. He still does it so if you will need a place to start with - you can write me on facebook for more details ;)
1 gönderinin 15-15 tanesi gösteriliyor