Erasmusu Staff
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Madrid 2013 / 2014!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Madrid in 2013 / 2014 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Madrid, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Madrid
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Madrid
- The general forum for Madrid
- The blog Erasmus Madrid
- What to see in Madrid, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Madrid
- People who have been, are and will be in Madrid
- A photo gallery of Madrid
- The map and weather in Madrid
- The universities in Madrid
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Madrid or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Madrid.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Lyubomira Kostova
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
It’s possible to go in RESAD next year but I can’t find the school here. May be the name of the university is different in English?
Alicja Nikoli
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
I,m study to RESAD-The full name is Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico en Madrid.
In Google put '' RESAD''
adress is Avenida de Nazaret 2
Good Luck!
penka ivanov
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
I will spend a yeat un this uni and I want to live at the center of Madrid. Can ou tell me how much will be tha transport per month.
Thanks :)
Ilena Gudino
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
I will be needing a place to stay from August to the Begining of January! I would prefer to live in the Chamberi, Malasana, or Justicia zones since my school will be around that area. IF there is something for a good price but a bit further I am willing to look into it, please let me know! I am a 20 year old Business student from the United States
Juan Rubio
Yazılan 11 yıl önce they find out your accomodation and help you with all problems that you have to.
Carson Vince
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
Hello Everyone!
I am a 20 year old Business student from Canada. I will be doing a semester abroad in Madrid starting this January 2014 until end of May/beginning of June 2014. I am looking for a potential room mate to get a flat or apartment together for this period of time. I wouldn't mind being contacted by someone who already has a place to stay and is looking for a room mate. Perferably another student, and someone around my age, gender doesn't matter. I am Someone who likes to travel and loves to party (every now and then) so if your like me, get in touch :)
I will be attending the Universidad de Carlos III in Getafe, but am looking to live in a place in the center of Madrid. Let me know if your interested, we can chat and get to know each other before making any committment of being room mates if you desire.
Max King
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
My name is Max and I am a 21 year old male from England. I will be working in Madrid from August 12th to January 10th and I am looking for a room to stay in for that time period. I have a friend that will be doing the same thing as me so ideally an appartment/flat with two rooms would be perfect.
If anyone has any offers/recommendations please let me know.
Alba Ferrera
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
Hola Max, yo tengo lo que te interesa... una habitación desde agosto hasta enero. Pero sólo una habitación
Shauni Schoonbrood
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
My name is Shauni and I am going to study at Universidad Pontificia Comillas this fall semestre. I need a room from August 22nd until December 24th, preferably in Arguelles or Moncloa!
I am looking forward to meeting new people during my exchange!
Chica Chica
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
I am looking for a room with private bathroom in a flat shared with students in Madrid, near UCM (preferably Moncloa area), to rent from September until February.
Please let me know if you have a room available.
ana ruiz
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
Hola Shauni!!!
Yo estudio en la universidad pontificia de comillas. Vivo en argüelles y el primer semestre del curso 2013-2014 me voy de erasmus a suiza. Busco alguien para que venga a vivir a mi habitación. Comparto un piso magnifico de 280m2 en argüelles justo al lado de icade business school y a 2 manzanas de icade e icai.
Mi habitación es muy luminosa, es exterior en un 5ºpiso, y grande, unos 12m2. La dejo a alguna chica que venga de erasmus desde agosto hasta diciembre, por si alguien más está interesada, con todos los muebles y a mis grandes amigas compañeras de piso.
En total hay 6 habitaciones y 3 baños y tenemos wi-fi, tele, lavadora, lavavajillas, horno, michohondas, telefono, aire acondicionado, calefaccion central y habitacion de invitados.
Victor van
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
Hola Shauni ! :)
My name is Victor, I'm French and I'm also going to study in Comillas! Which campus are you on? I'll be on Cantoblanco, it's at the very north of Madrid. What do you study there and how old are you? :) I study foreign languages and translation and I am 20.
Fer Kilmister
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
Hi folks!
I'm a spanish boy, currently I am making an erasmus in Germany, sadly it finishes at the end of this month, so I have to come back to Madrid. I'm looking for english and german native speakers because I still want to improve my skills in those languages. The deal is, we meet and we have one hour of english or german conversation and then one hour of spanish conversation. I'm doing this "tandem" here in Germany and it works, you can learn all the expressions (and if you want swearings) that you would never learn in a spanish class! it's also good because you are not tied down by a schedule, we meet when we have time, and the best point: it's totally free!
If you are interested, please, send me a private message.
I wish you a good stay in Madrid, enjoy the city!
PS: I am looking for native speakers in english, but if your english or german is quite good, coul be also interested!
Shauni Schoonbrood
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
Hey Victor!
I am going to the economics & management department of upco, which is in the centre of madrid (calle alberto aguilera). I am 19 and I study International Business Administration :)
Payal Tripathi
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
hey Shauni,
i am also going to be an exchange student in the economics and business administration dept of upco ( calle alberto aguilera).
i am 20, freindly, not overly enthusiastic in the kitchen, prefer cleanliness, studious but also like partying . and yeah, i am a non-smoker!
i am looking for roommates and consequently also a room :p
PS: have you made any progress on either counts?
Payal Tripathi
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
also, my period of exchange is from september to June.
i am looking for a room in Arguelles, Moncloa etc....preferably walking distance from my exchange university (upco).
looing forward to hearing from you guys :)
Valentine Courrier
Yazılan 11 yıl önce
HELLO! I'm going on Erasmus to the Universidad complutense de Madrid next year and I would like to have some contacts before leaving so ... Short presentation, I'm Valentine, 22 years and I am studying geography in the capital of Europe, Brussels! I love seeing my friends, photography, sport (especially rock climbing, tennis, running ..), partying, shopping ... :) I would love to do a potluck with students who do not speak French so if you are motivated you could get together! :) Hoping to hear from you soon! Besos :)
Puneet Mishra
Yazılan 11 yıl önce