Chiara Nardi
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hola! My name is Chiara from Italy. I understand a bit of spanish but I prefer English :)
I will be in London this summer for a traineeship :D
Carlos Cañas
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Holaa! Yo estaré en Londres trabajando todo el verano, desde junio a septiembre. Un saludo
Helena Cáceres
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi! Today I’m moving to London to do a summer internship in a fashion brand till the end of september :)) Someone there too for the summer period?
Patricia Sanchez
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi! I've been in London for one week and I'll be here until September doing an Erasmus internship. If anyone want to share the free time just let me know!
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