Looking for flat mates
Tarafından açılan konu Shayma Makboul
— 3 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 3-3 tanesi gösteriliyor
Shayma Makboul
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
We are two Spanish girls aged 21-22 and we are looking for international roommates for the whole upcoming academic year. We study at the Faculty of Letters. We are two very sociable girls and we like to party a lot. We have both done Erasmus so we are used to the international environment. But we also respect the study time.
If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me:)
Shayma Makboul Hilal.
Simon Kliem
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hey Shayma,
how are you doing? I saw your post about moving to Granada and I thought I’d just respond ?
My name is Simon, I am 22 and I currently study urbanism in Weimar, Germany. I’m also moving to Granada this September to study for 2 semesters. What made you decide to move to there for the upcoming year? You wrote that you are looking for roommates, so does that mean, you’ve already found an apartment? Right now, a friend from the US and I are looking for a place for a place to stay, ideally with nice people to hang out with and struggle through the Spanish grammar together :). I’m looking forward to your reply,
Jesús Bendicho
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hey Simon, I am a nursing student from Galicia who is going to Granada for the first 6 months of the university course from september to february. I studied german at school and also done some volunteering programs there. I am looking also for some people to live with and look for a flat together. If you are still looking for one flat in Granada, it would be perfect for me if you contact with me!!!
1 gönderinin 3-3 tanesi gösteriliyor