Friend to explore the city together
Tarafından açılan konu Natalia Napieraj
— 5 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 2-2 tanesi gösteriliyor
Natalia Napieraj
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
I am a new Erasmus student in Granada. I explore the city during weekends, therefore I am looking for a friends for discovering new places together. I know just some phrases in Spanish, however my English is enough for communication. I prefer to walking across the city than using a public transport.
If you are interested, send me a message.
Mayqueen Zamora
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi Natalia, I am Sabina Hanson and i am interested in exploring the city together
1 gönderinin 2-2 tanesi gösteriliyor