Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

New french student

1 gönderinin 2-2 tanesi gösteriliyor


Hello everybody ! 

I'm a french student from Montpellier (in the South of France) and I'm looking for a single room in the center of Bologna from September to next June/July. I study Business and Communication and I create my bags' brand (Italy is very talented in leather !). I don't speak italian at all so I hope I'll learn easily but it's a good thing if I can live with people who speaks english. 

I'm interested by art, fashion, traveling and parties ! I really want to meet new people and discover the city and the country. So if you've a room avaible or just if you want speak with me, text me please :) 

 Noémyie Fatout 

Hey Noemyie,

I'm an American from Philadelphia who's also looking for a roommate/accomodation. I should be starting my semester at Unibo September 28th. I'm in Mantova right now and plan to go to Bologna for a few days to look for a place when I've arranged some visits. You can find out more about me in my forum post but basically I like the arts and speak both English and Italian fluently. I'll be in Bologna in a few days if you'd like to meet. Good luck!


1 gönderinin 2-2 tanesi gösteriliyor


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