Erasmus Bologna 2019 / 2020 (English)
Tarafından açılan konu Erasmusu Staff
— 6 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 18-18 tanesi gösteriliyor
Erasmusu Staff
Yazılan 6 yıl önce
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Bologna 2019 / 2020!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Bologna in 2019 / 2020 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Bologna, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Bologna
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Bologna
- The general forum for Bologna
- The blog Erasmus Bologna
- What to see in Bologna, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Bologna
- People who have been, are and will be in Bologna
- A photo gallery of Bologna
- The map and weather in Bologna
- The universities in Bologna
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Bologna or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Bologna.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Eleni Kariofilli
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
helloo everyone!! I am studing economics in Athens and I will be in Bologna first semester! So excited! Are you? I see so many spanish people here taliking spanish and dont understand nothing hahaha
Fátima Loreto
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hola!!! Soy estudiante de Trabajo Social en Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias, España). En el curso 2019/2020 voy de Erasmus a Bolonia durante el primer semestre. Me gustaría principalmente, encontrar apartamento para dos, ya que somos dos chicas. También me gustaría que me hiciéseis algunas recomendaciones, sitios para comer, supermercados, transportes, y como no, tan bien fiestas!!
Steven Gay
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hey! Currently I am studying economics and management at the university of Panthéon Assas in Paris. Next year I will be in Bologna for the first semester. I want to meet people to enjoy as much as possible my exchange ! So if you want to meet someone who like sport, parties,.. maybe I am the right person.
Mina Siffer
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hello hello! I am Mina, soon coming to Unibo (fingers crossed, didn't receive the Hogwarts-styled acceptance letter yet). I'll be in Bologna for the whole year (september to june-july, depends on the exams) and I do not understand much of Spanish neither...
Noa Brunello
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi! My name is Noa, I am studying Languages and Litterature (French and Italian) at the university of Ghent. Next year I will be in Bologna for the first semester. I want to meet a lot of people during this amazing experience in my life! So if you search someone to meet and socialize with (and who speaks Italian), you can always contact me! :)
Sena Esen
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi! My name is Sena, I am a studying Food System Management (English) at the university of Bologna in Forli Campus. After end of the July I will be in Bologna. I'm a master student in here. I want to meet a lot of people to enjoy as much as possible. I don't know Italian so much just the basics unfortunately... But I am trying to learn. So if you want to meet someone, you can always contact me! :)
Silvia Martin
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi! My name is Silvia, I am from Spain. I am a Biotechonology student and I will be doing my fourth and last year there in Bologna. I am staying 9-10 months, so I need flatmates to share this experience! I like reading, painting and going to the mountain and travel, so if you are interested, don't hesitate and contact me!
Mina Pecot-Demiaux
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi ! My name is Mina, I am a french student at the University of Geneva ! I study international relations.
I will be the all next year at the University of Bologna :) I am really looking for a flatmates and sharing experiences ! Can't wait :)
Hesham Barakat
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
I’m Hesham Barakat, I’m from Egypt and I’ll be at Bologna for the next year and I’m looking for flatmates.
I’ll be studying Biotechnology at the university of Bologna.
Pulkit Mathur
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Dear ones, My name is Pulkit, I am from New Delhi, India. I have received admission in the University of Bologna in a 2-year MSc Program. I am URGENTLY looking for housing/accommodation as near as possible to the School of Management. I want a confirmed stay for at least 6 months (1 September 2019 to 29 February 2020).
I am a friendly, respectful and cooperative person. I love music and play the guitar.
No specifications on accommodation and roommates.
Rita Duarte
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hey everyone! I'm from Portugal and I study Law at the University of Coimbra. I will be in Bologna on the first semester of next year. I have started learning Italian and can't wait for the experience to start.
I would like to know more people in the same situation so feel free to contact me! :D
Alexandre Vieira
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi everyone! I'm from Brazil and I'll be in Bologna in this semester (september - february). I'm really excited and I hope to make some good friends!
Emma Teape
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hellooo! I am a 20-year-old student studying Italian and Spanish at the University of Sussex, and I'll be in Bologna for my year abroad starting in September. I love making friends so feel free to contact me and we can go for a drink in Bologna!
Stan Van
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hello there! My name is Stan and i'm a 20yo conservatory student of Ghent who will study in Bologna next academic year. I hope to make loads of friends and overal have a good time. So if you are an erasmus who's having problems or feel like speaking with someone in a similar position, don't hesitate to contact me :)
I myself am having trouble finding good accommodation so if you have any tips that might help me out I would appreciate it very much.
I'll be in Bologna from the 1st untill the 3rd of october to try and visit some places, so if you are also still searching you can join me.
Have a great day,
Hanna Szuster
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi everyone!
soon I’ll arrive to Bologna and I’ll be studying there Arti Visive (master).
I’m a very positive and friendly girl who love travelling! I have 23 years and I’m from Poland. one year ago I finished my first erasmus in Cagliar, where I spent the most exciting 10 months of my life! I hope Bologna will be even better.
I’m still looking for a flat so If someone is looking for a flatmate or a roommate I’m up to it.
I’d love to make many new friendships here so text me anytime :)
Melissa Silvester
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hi everyone! I am a 23y/o student from University of Illinois studying in Bologna through a consortial program for 2nd semester! I am studying Italian and Psycholgy and spending my last semester of undergrad in Bologna!
Emilia Frigo
Yazılan 5 yıl önce
Hello, if anyone is looking for housing, I'm an American student looking for a roommate!
1 gönderinin 18-18 tanesi gösteriliyor