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Erasmus Białystok 2023 / 2024 (English)

Tarafından açılan konu flag-xx Anna Merani — bir yıl önce

1 gönderinin 9-9 tanesi gösteriliyor


Hi, I'm Anna and I'll be at the University of Białystok the first semester of next year (23/24).

I would like to meet some students who will also be there next year, so if you wanna be friends, hit me up! :)

Hi, Anna. My name is Susanna. I am going to study at Bialystok University of technology in the winter 2023/2024. Where are you from?

Hi Susanna! Nice to meet you. I'm from Italy, I currently study Law at the University of Trento. Where are you from? 

I am from Armenia. Currently I study at Armenian State University of Economics. Did you find any accommodation yet? I am looking for something cheap with a private room.

Hi, i'm Simona from the University of Palermo, Italy, i'll be in bialystok for the Winter semester of 2023/24. ☺️

Ciao Simona! Grazie per aver risposto, che bello aver trovato un'altrə italianə! Se ti fa piacere cercami sui social, così parliamo là (il mio username è nome e cognome) :)?

Another Italian here! I'm Fulvio from University of Foggia, I'll be in Bialystok in winter 2023/2024 too, at Medical University of Bialystok :)

esiste un gruppo per chi andrà a Bialystok ?

No ma possiamo crearlo! Se volete scrivetemi su ig (ho lo stesso nome di qui) i numeri :)

1 gönderinin 9-9 tanesi gösteriliyor


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