Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Athens 2011 / 2012 (English)

Tarafından açılan konu flag-es Erasmusu Staff — 14 yıl önce

1 gönderinin 20-24 tanesi gösteriliyor

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Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Athens 2011 / 2012!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Athens in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Athens, etc. Here you can also find:

- The general forum for Athens
- People who have been, are and will be in Athens
- A photo gallery of Athens
- Erasmus experiences in Athens
- The map and weather in Athens
- The Universities in Athens

If you're a student who's spent time in Athens in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Athens by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Athens win the number one spot!

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

i m looking for the flat...21 september-end march............ help!! :)
thank you!

I'm looking for a room to rent in mid September located in the blue line (metro), can you help me please?

For the 2011-2012 offers at apartments in Athens : http://nswohnung.eu/en/component/content/article/2-offers-august-2011/30-erasmus-in-athens-ws-2011-2012.html

Hello there! I'm coming for 3 months in interneship, and looking for a flat for 2 person (my roommate is french too!^^) xx

I am looking for a one bedroom apartment for rent from October till mid February but not expensive. any suggestions?
Thank you!

Hi everyone,
I'm looking more or less the same as Justina. 1-oct to 30-jan. Egaleo zone.
[email protected]

Hi everyone. I own an apartment in Athens, Greece. Last year I had rent it to two fine boys, Erasmus students. I'm looking again for Erasmus students. I will be happy to answer your questions ([email protected])
Thank you

Hello I will be in Athens in October for 5 months (panteion university). I search a logement for one week while waiting for my permanent accommodation (youth hostel or ...) And so I wanted ask if someone have a good plan for me.

Thank you :)

[email protected]

hi! I´m María from Spain I will be in athens for one erasmus year studing fine arts. I´m looking for a partner to rent one flat. if anyone is interested contact me on the e-mail [email protected].

Also if anyone have one room to rent in a student flat, I,m interested too!

bye bye :)

Hello, I'm Emil a swedish 27year old law student looking for a room or flat for a nice price close to the law campus(wherever that is!).

If anyone has any offers or if anyone wants to make friends please contact me at [email protected]!


Anybody in Crete?

Hi, I am renting a room in my apartment and will be glad to host an Erasmus student. The apartment is new and fully furnished. If you are interested, pls write to me at: [email protected]. Thanks

Hi! I'm Kasia from Poland and I'm looking for room in Athens! Any offers? [email protected]

Hi there folks! :)

Looking for a flat or room to rent in the summer semester. It would be great if near TEI of Athens (dunno where it is, sorry ;) ). Not too expensive ofc.

Besides I would love to make some friends before going to Athens. It would be nice to have a backup there. ;D If interested: [email protected] or on facebook: Leśna Plecha. :)

Hi, I'm Anne-Claire, a French student and I'm going to do an internship in Athens from next January for 4 months. I'm looking for a room to rent... Can you help me please ?



[email protected]

Hi, I´m Diego, from Madrid. Im going to Athens to do my Intership from January 15th  untill July / August. Anybody knows about Erasmus people that is leaving back to their countries in Christmas, leaving a free room or Smthng like that? That´s my email [email protected]

Efxaristó polú


I'm Ines, I'm french student from france and I'm looking for a flat to share in summer semestre! I'm Going to University of Piareus, but I can stay in Athens, there is no problem :)

Contact me if you have some propositions! 

[email protected]

Hi, I am Erica from the US and I am 21. I am going to be studying at TEI in Athens from March to June 2012 and am looking to rent a room for that time. I would love to have other international roommates and live somewhere that is close to the school, or close to transporation so I can get there. If anyone knows of anything, or is renting or wants to room, email me!

[email protected]

thanks everyone!

Hi! I'm Paola, I come from Italy, I'm 22! I'll be in Athens for the training placement in architecture for the period April to July! :)

I would share an apartment with a student!

I'd like to meet someone who will stand for Athene at this time :)
My email address is: Pao.la90 @ hotmail.it

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