Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

ankara university

Tarafından açılan konu flag-pl Iza Piecyk — 9 yıl önce

1 gönderinin 3-3 tanesi gösteriliyor


hi guys, 

i study veterinary , and i'm coming on september for erasmus in ankara univeristy . if there is anyone who is coming to turkey on this winter semester and would like to have a contact before an organisation week(month) let me know . Btw i'm looking for flatmates :0 

see you soon 

i'm still looking for a flat with flatmates :) anybody ?

flat or flatmate?

1 gönderinin 3-3 tanesi gösteriliyor


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