Mónica Lopes Yazılan 12 yıl önce
I am a student of the faculty of architecture of Lisbon (FAL)
I'll be in erasmus in the second semetre next year.
I'm very happy, and I hope to organize everything in time ... learn Italian, look for a home or place to stay... everything.
I thank any useful information. =)
Laura Martínez Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi monica!
Congratulation for your Erasmus!! You must be happy because it's a new and amazing experience!!
In first time the thing most important is speak with the university because it's probably that you'll have problems with your learning agreement, with the subject, with other documents...
You must connect with other new erasmus people for the next year!! they'll help you about anything! It's better because when they're going living there, they're know about houses, subjects, an other important things.
Good luck
I hope that everything will be good!!
This page don't work good because i can't enter in the erasmusu! if i don't answer you it's about the problems with the page.
Mónica Lopes Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi Laura! Tank's for you answer! =)
Can i speak in spanish... lol
Bueno chica mi español és un pokito mejor que el inglés... las palavras me fluen... no necesito pensar tanto e creo que mismo com errores te vás a compreender todo! Asi lo espero! =)
Bueno me voi a siguir todos tus consejos e qualquier duda que me pueda ocurrir me la pongo! =)
Gracias! =) Besitos
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