Vojtěch Hemala

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flag-cz República Checa
flag-tr Turquia

Entradas em fóruns de Vojtěch

  • Fórum


    One of the most famous website is probably "student reality"- it contents especially rent for a students- link for Brno section: http://www.studentreality.cz/nabidka-pronajmu/ Another way is sharehouse http://spolubydleni.studentreality.cz/

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Eskisehir 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hi there,  I will stay in Eskisehir in second term 2012/2013 too.I am studying in third semester at Mendlu university in Brno, field of study Automatization and Informatics. What do you think about EILC of Turkish? I know that it could be very heplfull and important in...

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