Master in Micro/Nano Technologies
Universidade do Minho - Campus Guimarães (UMINHO)
Localização Guimarães, Portugal
Tipo de Licenciatura Master
Data de inÃcio No info
Duração No info
Prazo de aplicação No info
LÃngua Inglês
Presença No Campus
Frequência A tempo inteiro
Ritmo Ao ritmo do professor
Taxas de matrÃcula No info
Descrição do programa
There is a world, invisible to us but fascinating, present in everything that surrounds us. This is the micro and nano scale world. Micro/nano technologies are presently one of the main focus in research, development and innovation activities in all industrialized countries. The investment in this area is growing year after year, we can already find several micro/nano industrial products, and it was predicted that this number will rise very rapidly. This is an expanding market, existing several products in which adding miniaturization, low consumption, and high performance at low cost represent decisive factors. Micro/nano technology applications comprehend a very large range with a considerable degree on interdisciplinarity and scientific areas. Examples of applications are biochemistry, biomedics, mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, aero spatial, telecommunications among others.
Access to higher education
This Master degree provides basic training to carry out a course of 3rd cycle (PhD) in the same scientific area, or other areas