Master in Product Design Engineering
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Localização Leiria, Portugal
Tipo de Licenciatura MSc
Data de inÃcio 02/09/2021
Duração 2 years
Prazo de aplicação Request info
LÃngua Inglês
Presença No Campus
Frequência Part-time
Ritmo Ao ritmo do professor
Taxas de matrÃcula 697 €
Descrição do programa
This master’s programme aims to give to its students an integrated set of skills solidly grounded on advanced knowledge in the scientific area of mechanical engineering in general, with a special focus on the domains of product design and development. The main goals of this Master are to confer the capacity to integrate knowledge of different disciplines, to frame and solve problems, to know how to communicate and to survey and produce relevant professional information, as well as managing lifelong learning. It also allows students to gain more competences in domains related to product development so that they can better develop quality products in a rapid and innovative way, with high levels of success and effective benefits. It will also allow active professionals to obtain a specialization in this domain, increasing the technical competence and dynamics of the region’s industrial and entrepreneurial communities.
The Master in Product Design Engineering prepares students to:
Provide an integrated set of dynamic skills, solidly based on technical and scientific knowledge, essential to the development of quality products, in a fast and innovative way, with a high degree of success and added value;
Provide a multidisciplinary and versatile training that allows the professional to perform strategic functions and / or supervision in industrial or services companies, as well as public or private entities.
Conditions of admission
People who can apply to the Master’s Degree:
- Holders of an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent in engineering and related fields, industrial design, and product design;
- Holders of a foreign higher education diploma, granted after a first cycle of studies, under the principles of the Bologna Process, by a State, which has subscribed this Process, in engineering and related fields, industrial design, and product design;
- Holders of a foreign higher education diploma that is recognized as meeting the objectives of an undergraduate degree by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management, in engineering and related fields, industrial design, and product design;
- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as certifying the skills to attend this cycle of studies by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management;
Students who are close to completing their undergraduate degree in the field required for entering the Master’s degree, and declare it in their application
International Student
All information related to the international student application should be consulted on our International Students webpage.