Maria Vahrenhorst

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Colegas de quarto Maria

  • 21 year old girl looking for accommodation/roommate in central Paris

    I'm a 21 year old belgian-american girl looking for an apartment in central Paris, preferably near the 7th, 6th, or 5th arrondissements (close to the Sorbonne, where I will be studying). I like to have fun and go out, but I also appreciate time alone and am very...

    há 5 anos
  • 21 year old girl looking for accommodation in central Paris

    Hi! I'm a 21 year old belgian-american girl looking for a roommate/apartment to stay in central Paris (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, or even 14th arrondissement) from August to the end of December. I'll be studying at the Sorbonne for one semester as an exchange. I'm...

    há 5 anos
  • 20 year old girl looking for flatmate in 2019

    hey! I'm a 20 year old girl looking for a flatmate in Paris for the whole year of 2019. I am from Bruxelles and have been studying communications and translation (in french and spanish) in Colorado, USA for two years. As part of my exchange programme,...

    há 6 anos

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