marco stimolo

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flag-cz República Checa

Colegas de quarto marco

  • Italian 21 yo, looking for roommates

    Looking for roomate in Bucharest for summer 2024 to share flat with and maybe the experience there as well. Sociable and respectful towards the envirnoment and the people around me, I'm quite flexibile with the type of accomodations and roomates. Feel free to reach...

    há 27 dias
  • 20 yo Italian guy (trainee in Prague from June 2024 to September).

    I'm Marco. I'll be in Prague from June to September 2024. I'm looking for roommates and accommodation. I'm friendly, sociable and very respectful towards the ones and the environment surronding me. I would be happy to find roomates to share the house with and the whole...

    há 4 meses

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