Entradas em fóruns de Jonathan
New friends in AIX EN Provence
Hi girl, I'm spanish too and I've been in Aix since 2 weeks only. We are meeting new people and we usually meet to have a drink or go dancing... If you wanna meet us just let me know :) Cheers!
Hola Pablo, Yo llevo en Aix una semana y un poco más. Te paso mi num por privado y quedamos si quieres!
Erasmus Aix-en-Provence 2013 / 2014 (Español)
Hola Andrea, te he respondido por privado :) Si alguien más se anima que lo diga!
In need of some anglophone friends!
Hi Emma! I arrived last Saturday with my girlfriend and got no friends here. I would like to speak in English with someone and make new friends here. Maybe you wanna meet with me and my girlfriend to share a drink? Regards!
New friends in AIX EN Provence
Hi Victoria! You still there? Aquí uno que viene de Barcelona :) Wanna meet to share a drink? Regards!
Meeting New Friends
Hi Almira! I arrived to Aix last Saturday to work here. I've rented an appartament next to Palais de Justice and I start living there on Monday with my girlfriend, whose is working here also. Wanna meet up to share a drink? Regards!
Erasmus Aix-en-Provence 2013 / 2014 (Español)
Hola! Alguien por Aix? Me llamo Jonathan, tengo 24, y trabajo de freelance y por cosas de la vida me toca estar por aquí... Alguien se anima a quedar? Saludos!