giulia lizzio

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flag-fr França

Entradas em fóruns de giulia

  • Fórum

    looking for flatmates in Paris!

    Hi! I'm a 23 italian student. I'm moving to Paris for the first accademic semester (september-february/march). I study audiovisual communication and I'm looking for other erasmus student for share an accomodation and also for some friends with who spend...

  • Fórum

    París X Nanterre.

    Hi everyone! I'm a 23 italian student. I'm also going to study in Nanterre!! I'm moving to Paris for the first accademic semester (september-february/march). I study audiovisual communication and I'm looking for other erasmus student for share an...

  • Fórum

    Need to meet people going to study in Paris and possibly find someone to share accommodation with :)

    Hi everyone! I'm a 23 italian student. I'm moving to Paris for the first accademic semester (september-february/march). I study audiovisual communication and I'm looking for other erasmus student for share an accomodation and also for some friends with who...

  • Fórum

    Nous recherchons colocataire!!!

    Hi girls! I'm a 23 italian student. I'm moving to Paris for the first accademic semester (september-february/march). I study audiovisual communication and I'm looking for other erasmus student for share an accomodation and also for some friends with who...

  • Fórum

    Paris X

    Hi! I'm also going in Paris X from 26 september to february/march... You have found an house yet? I'm looking for someone to share an acoomodation... If you have fond it, can you give me more informations? If you haven' still found anything...we can...

  • Fórum

    Accomodation/ logement a Paris

    Hi everyone! I'm a 23 italian student. I'm moving to Paris for the first accademic semester (september-february/march). I study audiovisual communication and I'm looking for other erasmus student for share an accomodation and also for some friends with who...

  • Fórum

    I'm looking for an accomodation or someone with who looking for it!

    Hi everyone! I'm a 23 italian student. I'm moving to Paris for the first accademic semester (september-february/march). I study audiovisual communication and I'm looking for other erasmus student for share an accomodation and also for some friends with who...

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