Gamze Uyanık

Programas que segue

Cidades que segue

flag-pl Polônia

Colegas de quarto Gamze

  • 21 year old girl, looking for an accomodation in wroclaw

    Hi, I am Gamze from Turkey. I am a 3rd grade pharmacy student in Ankara University and have an internship program in Medical University of Wrocław for 2 months this summer. I am an organized and easygoing person, don't have a problem about to get along with people.  I...

    há 4 anos
  • 21 year old girl, looking for an accomodation in wroclaw

    Hi, I am Gamze, erasmus intern from Turkey. My internship is going to be at Medical University of Wrocław for 2 months this summer. I am looking for a shared flat or a dormitory room. I have a short time left (1 month) to my traineeship to start and need a place...

    há 4 anos

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