Erasmus Sevilla 2011 / 2012 (English)
Tópico criado por Erasmusu Staff
— há 14 anos
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Erasmusu Staff
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Sevilla 2011 / 2012!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Sevilla in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Sevilla, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Sevilla
- People who have been, are and will be in Sevilla
- A photo gallery of Sevilla
- Erasmus experiences in Sevilla
- The map and weather in Sevilla
- The Universities in Sevilla
If you're a student who's spent time in Sevilla in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Sevilla by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Sevilla win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Paola bo
Foi escrito há 13 anos
my name is Paola
I'm going to join the erasmus programme and I chose the Universidad de Sevilla(facultad de medicina)
I'd like to propose a learning agreement which includes:
infection deseases, neurology and gastroenterology.
I've read the syllabus of the Universidad of Sevilla and i've verified that:
- topics concerning infection deseases and gastroenterology are included in Patologia Medica I (enfermedades infecciosas and aparato digestivo)
- topics concerning neurologia is included in Patologia medica II (neurologia)
SUN university informed me that i have to attend courses of University of Sevilla equivalent to the number of ECTS credits greater than or equal to the number of credits courses of SUN are equivalent to.
the SUN syllabus is:
infection desases 6 credits
gastroenterology 6 credits
neurology 10 credits
How many credits are dedicated to
How many credits are dedicated to
NEUROLOGIA in the course of Patologia Medica II?
please help me!
matt Robinson
Foi escrito há 13 anos
I am a 19 year old Australian guy "lone wolfing" through spain I lived in Barcelona for 2 months but then moved down south to andalusia to learn spanish. The reason for this was that the people I was with in Barcelona spoke almost exclusively English, which isn't the reason that I came half-way across the world. I live with a host family and we have a pool, horses and heaps of things to do. The problem is that I spend most of my time doing these things solo, which is getting to be quite BORING! I would love to do some language exchanging with someone in seville (prefer a spaniard), just to get me out of this rut of doing nothing. also not really sure how all of this works so i am sorry if i have stuffed up somewhere. Email me. Matt
silvia BG
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi Matt!!
I´m from seville, and i would like learn english, so maybe we can make a deal: you practice your spanish with me, and i practice my english with you.The problem is that next year i will go to study in Italy, but if you arrive to seville before that i can introduce my friends left you in good hands!!
matt Robinson
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi Silvia, Yeh that sounds brilliant. I am living very near to seville and come in most days for my classes. Email me on this address or find me in facebook and we can discuss sometimes to catch up and practice. [email protected]
I have some other english speakers joining me soon, so you may have an opportunity to immerse yourself quite nicely. :)
Daniel Garrido
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Sorry Matt, I think I replayed throught private message. lol, hope u get it!
Daniel Mestre
Foi escrito há 13 anos
CONTACTO/CONTACT: [email protected] // phone: 667059264
Hola futuro compañero/a de piso,
Somos 3 chicas de 22-23, estudiantes de Psicología y buscamos un compañero o compañera para 6 meses, es decir, desde Septiembre hasta Febrero. El piso esta situado en la zona de Viapol, a 5 minutos andando de las facultades de: Psicología, Filosofia, Empresariales, Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Turismo, Pedagogía, Derecho, Trabajo Social, Magisterio, etc de la universidad de Sevilla. No nos importa la nacionalidad del compañero, ni su sexo, solamente que sea un joven estudiante.
Sobre el ambiente del piso decir que es un poco caótico, ya que somos amigas y aquí no hay turnos de limpieza, más bien se limpia poco hehehe, nuestro horario es mas nocturno, ya que en épocas de examenes solemos estudiar de noche, y cuando no hay exámenes pues las fiestas por las noches son muy comunes. Por otro lado, decir que somos muy sociables y buscamos a alguien que no le moleste este caos que tenemos montado. Si crees que este es tu piso ideal, llamanos o mandonos un email y estaremos encantadas de informarte más sobre el piso.
Hello future partner of the floor
We are 3 girls from 22 to 23 years, psychology students and seek a partner for 6 months,from September to February. The apartment is located in the area of Viapol, 5 minutes walk from the faculties of Psychology, Philosophy, Business, Business Administration, Tourism, Education, Law, Social Work, Teaching, etc. from the University of Seville. We do not mind the nationality of the partner, or their gender, only to be a young student.
On that floor environment is a bit chaotic, because we're friends and there are no shifts for cleaning, rather clean little hehehe, our horary is more night, because in times of testing we usually study at night, and when no exams for parties at night are common. On the other hand, say we are very sociable and looking for someone who does not mind the chaos that we have assembled. If you think this is your ideal apartment, call or email and we'll be bossy happy to find out more on the floor.
Dennis DB
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hello Sevilla!
My name's Dennis, a 20yo Belgian from Antwerp who will be studying Economics by means of an Erasmus programme.
I'll be staying there from September till February and I'm looking forward to it!
Júlia Kálmán
Foi escrito há 13 anos
My name is Julia, and i'm from Hungary !:) I will be in Sevilla from September,i study tourism. Anybody else? :)
Daniel Garrido
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Julia, I study tourism as well, but I won't be in Sevilla next year cuz I finish this year. Maybe in september for graduation but that's all...
Viki Salamon
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi! :)
My name is Viki, and I'm going to Seville next semester. I'm from Hungary and I study tourism as well as Juli. :)
Vinz' Diaz
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi guys !
I'm Vinz', last year I was studying in Galway Ireland, and next year, I'll be Erasmus in Sevilla as well !! :)
And I'll also study Tourism, can't wait ..! :)
David Sevilla
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi people!
I have two rooms in a flat near the center of the city, and I´m looking for two housemates. The flat is large and luminous and I would like to have some english housemate to practice the language, and also to learn spanish to the future english partner/s.
Are you coming to Seville next year? Please, contact with me and I´ll give you information!
Ola Dziebowska
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hey everybody!:)
I'm Ola, Poland. I'm coming to Sevilla with my friend and we are looking for some nice place to live near the centre. We study English Philology so we would be very pleased to have the opportunity to practice the English, or Spanish language with tenants:) If you have two spare rooms, let us know:))) cheers!
Catarina Mendes
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi guys! I'm from Brasil and I'll be at Sevilla from september to feb, studying Law with another friend. If anyone knows a house to share, or something like that, let me know! ;)
Monica Sánchez
Foi escrito há 13 anos
I am a student at the University of Seville and next year I'm an exchange student in Leuven, just to be the first semester, from September to February inclusive, and offer my room if any of you interested.
It's a room in an apartment with three other girls, kitchen, bathroom and living room are common.
The apartment is located opposite the university of law, next of psychology, education, business, philosophy, and ten minutes walk from geography and history (where he also studied philology).
Are 214e/mes
If you are interested contact me: [email protected]
Jose A.
Foi escrito há 13 anos
We're looking for two flatmates for next year...
more info -->
Eduardo Guerrero
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi to everybody,
My name is Eduardo, 23 years old, from Malaga, Spain. I am currently living in London, Uk for year and half but I’m going to move to Seville at the end of September because I will do a post master degree at the Seville’s University during two years.
I love sport, especially football, going out, meeting new people and of course travelling .
The aim of this report is because I’m looking forward to a new flatmate. Preferably I’m looking for someone from mother English tongue to share part of the time talking in English and part of the time in Spanish. I’ve found some two bedrooms flat, with living room, kitchen, bedroom and all the equipment. All of the flats are in the central of Seville from where you have access to everywhere.
I’m looking for someone to stay all university year not only six months.
If you are interesting please contact with me @: [email protected]
Hope to hear from you soon!
Kinds regard
Eduardo Guerrero
Omer Keskin
Foi escrito há 13 anos
looking for a place in sevilla any suggestions?
silvia BG
Foi escrito há 13 anos
you must get a flat near to your university, what are you studying??