Erasmus Madrid 2013 / 2014 (English)
Tópico criado por Erasmusu Staff
— há 12 anos
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Marta Marta
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hi everyone!
I'm student who will study in Madrid from September. I'm looking for two single rooms or nice appartment in the center of Madrid ( Palacio, Opera, Major,Sol) or with very good connecion to Opera metro station for me and for friend of mine. I was in Madrid only once so i totally don't know this place.
We are very friendly and open people, we speak english quite fluently and (i hope soon) we will speak Spanish also :)
It would be great if we could find place to stay with nice people, who knows Madrid and Spanish culture better than us. We are looking for place with bills included in price.
I'll really appreciate your help !!
Shauni Schoonbrood
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hey Payal
I have had some contact with some people that rent rooms in shared appartments. However, I decided to just look for a room when I arrive. That is safer than accepting a room based on pictures!
Spyridoula Kressou
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hi everyone! I'm Spyridoula from Greece. I'm coming to Madrid at the Polytecnic (UPM) from September to February. Anyone else in the same situation?
dario bianchi
Foi escrito há 11 anos
hi there i'm Dario and im looking for friends to go out parting!
David Martínez
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hi! I'm David, ex-erasmus and looking for somebody to practise language exchange while beering. If interested please contact me!
Sam Swinhoe
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hello all!
I am a 20-year old english modern languages student and have just started my Erasmus year, I am living in the Residencia de Erasmo on the Cantoblanco campus and studying at the UAM. I was wondering if anybody here is living here too or is studying at UAM?
Roberto A
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hi! I´m ex-erasmus from Spain as well, and I think it would be great for you guys to meet some spanish like David Martinez and me to let us show you the city and the real Spanish life xd so it´d be great at the same time for us keep in touch again with foreign people, just contact us and lets have a good time!
Eva Charlotte
Foi escrito há 11 anos
I'm doing an ERASMUS internship at MAD airport until the middle of August. As I have my car here in Madrid now, I would like to do some weekend trips to some interesting places at the peninsula. It would be great to find some other students, who would like to come with me. I don't know many young people here and my stewardess flatmates are lovely but very boring persons :(
Eleni Apostolou
Foi escrito há 10 anos
hi i am erasmus at UPM Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de TelecomunicaciónUNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID.. i do not have meet many people at the university. Is someone at UPM erasmus??
Rob SM
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hi! I'm not erasmus, but I'm very close to Escuela de Telecomunicación.
Giulia F
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Eva Charlotte! I hope you still read this forum ;) i'd be happy to do some sightseeing around madrid during my internship (i study medicine, internship till august). so if you're stilling looking for company please let me know!
Rob SM
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hi Alex!
I'm from Madrid, and I guess I'll be in Madrid during these dates.
If you want some advice with the city, or want to go out for a beer, walk, let me know. :)
Shane Gázey
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola a todos!
estoy buscando un alojamiento!
Me llamo Shane , estoy un estudiante en Inglaterra.
Tengo 20 años y estoy buscando para encontrar un lugar para alojarse cerca de la universidad camilo jose cela de septiembre para dos semestres.
Espero que usted me puede ayudar.
Muchas gracias.
Rob SM
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Airport Rides:
Hi! I offer airport rides to anybody who prefer to avoid paying a taxi, or taking public transport. 15€, 1 person + luggage, from Madrid city to the airport, to cover time and gas spent. It is possible to agree to 2 or 3 people trips, and from towns near Madrid.