Já sabe o seu destino? As melhores ofertas de alojamento são as primeiras a serem vendidas, não as perca!

Quero encontrar uma casa AGORA!

Erasmus Catania 2011 / 2012 (English)

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hey Gabor, i have my papers ,they ve sent to me 1 month ago , but i cancel my application for first semester ,i will do next apllication for second semester ,

I have big problem!! I will arrive to Catania at 09.17., but I haven't got accomodation!! :S REsidenza Caracciolo wrote to me I can't stay there in september! :S Do you know a cheap plae where I live??

Alper! The welcome day is on 20th September!

Hi! I will arrive to Catania November 20th. I will study at Accademia di Belle Arti. I am very nice and I'm looking for flat ( doesn't have to be very exclusive ;) and also I want to meet nice people. contact me on facebook or mail to : ewelton@wp.pl
Cześć! :)

Hello, I'm Alessandro of ESN Catania, if you are looking for a house and you need help,
every afternoon from 16 to 19 the guys of esn Catania will be at Agora hostel in Piazza Currò.
It's better if you have an italian telephon card, and the newspaper ads called "Il Mercatino" or "La Sicilia Annunci".
For any questions please visit our website www.esncatania.it
Enjoy Catania!

hi! I´m studing pharmacy in salamanca I have just arrive en catania and I´m looking for share a room with a girl/s . I don´t care about the nacionality ìf you are nice and understand a bit english!my facebook is lazar zizilia.See you here!!!

BUSO HABITACIÓN SINGOLA para vivir !!!!.......... voy a estudiar en Accademia di Belli Arti di Catania.... llego el 22 de octubre a Catania...por favor comunicaos con migo HELP!!! estoy super perdida!!!! buscarme en facebook: carolina velasco zapata / scarol_qe@hotmail.com

Hi feel free to add me on facebook, just moved to Catania last week and want to meet some new people :)

I will be in Catania on January 10, 2012 (for two months) and I looking for a room or a mate to share a flat. Please let me know if somebody can help me with information or suggestion.
email: cnemes@rdslink.ro

My name is Sara, I am from Portugal, and I will study in Accademia di Belle arti di Catania.
I arrive in Catania 2 weeks ago, but i don't know anyone from Erasmus.
I would like to meet some people. My facebook is http://www.facebook.com/sbast0s feel free to contact me. :)

Hello! I will arrive to Catania Feb. 14th the next year and I'm looking for a room in a nice flat with nice people! If you know a free room at this time please feel free to contact me. romy.sander@gmx.de

Merry Christmas,


Me and Emelie, my girlfriend, are arriving the 6th februari at Catania as exchangestudents for the second semester. We are currently searching for a appartment in catania and it would be nice to share both experiences (like skiing on Etna) or an appartment with english speaking people. If you want to then please contact us at studentjonas@gmail.com ;)

Hello , my name is Eduard and I come to visit the city between 8 to 12 of February.
I would like to visit different flats for my ERASMUS in the second half, which start on 21 of February. If anyone has any vacancies or information I'd appreciate it. Also, I’m interested in university residences.
Thank you very much and Happy New Year.

Contact me: edu_bonma@hotmail.com



My name is Jan, I am from Germany and i will study in Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia. I will arrive at Feb 18th and i'm looking for a room in a nice flat with nice people! If you know a free room at this time please feel free to contact me :)


Thank you!

Hey guys,

it doesn't make much sense looking for a room here. Better get in contact with people from this semester that are still in Catania because we know best about free rooms as many of us are leaving. I heard that these people have free rooms, you can contact them on Facebook and perhaps it would be a good idea to join this group on FB (I know, normally it is not for you but the "old" ones are often announcing free rooms there (ERASMUS AEGEE Catania 2011/2012). Also a good way to get in contact with people who know...

Valentin Howare Youu

Laura Ragamuffin

Clara Heuberger

Alberto Cruz

Marta Tomczak

I'll leave my room by the way on the 20th, 15 min walk  from the centre (for Catania quite far but Caracciolo is 10 min more).

So join the gropu and have a great stay! Don't forget warm clothes, it is still fucking cold (-:



Stiamo cercando 2 persone per condividere un piano a partire dal mese di Marzo, e molto bene reddito, in piazza Alcala, vicino a piazza Duomo.È un piano molto spazioso e sono 260 euro al mese con tutto compreso:  luce, gas, internet ed acqua.

È un edificio di tre piani dove conviviamo vario erasmus con un patio interno che dà molto gioco.



Estamos buscando 2 personas para compartir un piso a partir del mes de Marzo, esta muy bien situado en piazza Alcala, al lado de piazza Duomo.Es un piso muy espacioso y son 260 euros al mes con todo incluido: luz, gas, internet y agua.

Es un edificio de tres pisos donde convivimos varios erasmus con un patio interior que da mucho juego.



We are searching 2 persons to share a flat from March, this one very well placed in piazza Alcala, next to piazza Duomo. It is a very spacious flat and they are 260 Euros a month with everything included: light, gas, Internet and water.

 It is a building of three floors where we coexist several erasmus with an interior court that gives us a lot of enjoy.


Contact me as the soonest. Graciee (00393883806059) or facebook

 Hello! I'm a spanish boy and I am interested in a language exchange because I want to improve my English and I would be able to help you with your Spanish .If you are interested, please write to me.My email is gabi-kie@hotmail.com  

We're from Croatia and we would like to know how much is it going to cost us to rent a 2/3 bedroom apartment in catania? And how do we find an apartment there. Also we're 3 art history students. 

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