Christian Cabrera

Cidades que segue

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flag-mx México

Universidades que segue

Entradas em fóruns de Christian

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    Hi, i'll be studying in Nancy the next semester and i've been thinking....Does anyone know if there are gyms were i can train boxing? Thank you...peace

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    Erasmus Nancy 2014 / 2015 (Español)

    Que onda yo tambièn ando buscando dónde vivir hahaha, si alguno todavía busca roomates pues cualquier cosa me dicen, suerte

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    nancy 2014

    What's up my name is Alex, i'm from Mexico and im going to study in nancy the next semester (sept-dec) but i don't know anything about nancy hahah. Right now i'm trying to make a budget, does anyone knows how much a normal student spends per month? thanks

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