Caroliny Guimaraes

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flag-br Brasil

Colegas de quarto Caroliny

  • In search of a roommate

    Olá, procuro uma colega para dividir quarto na Rua Arrábida, proximo a Faculdade de Letras e Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. O preço é bem bacana, quem se interessar falar comigo por inbox. Obrigado :) Hello, I look for a partner to split bedroom in...

    há 9 anos
  • I am looking for a room near the faculty of letters, or someone who wants to share

    Hello , my name is Caroliny and am 21 years old . I will be going to Porto to study Communication Sciences at the faculty of letters in September and I am looking for a shared room or not , rather than be a maximum of 160 euros with expenses and 140 without including...

    há 9 anos

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