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Read a french book with me and I'll explain whatever you need

  • flag-fr Nathalie · Ensina: Francês
    Fala: InglêsC2 · EspanholA2 · FrancêsNativo · GermanC1

Hi there :)
I'm a french postgrad that loves multiculturalism. Learn french with me in an alternative way for the price of a croissant& coffee.
I have taught English in primary schools and found out that learning by reading/watching content in the desired language is the easiest and most fun way to learn. I would read a book, watch a series, or listen to french music with you and be your personal translator, explaining any expression/word/sentence you need clarification about.
I'm open to talk about anything and discuss whatever you'd like. We can go over academic exercises or just chat and learn in a more casual way, you decide.

há 3 anos

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6 € /por hora

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