Já sabe o seu destino? As melhores ofertas de alojamento são as primeiras a serem vendidas, não as perca!

Quero encontrar uma casa AGORA!

French teacher with almost 5 years experience, good references and interactive clases :)

  • flag-fr Alexandre · Ensina: Francês
    Fala: InglêsC2 · EspanholC2 · FrancêsNativo · ItalianoC2

Bonjour!!! Giving the priority to speaking and listening with interactive content without forgetting the grammar. I can also help for interviews and relocations. I have a master in HR and communication which helps me understand you profile and your objetive in order to adapt my methodology to give you French clases. À bientôt

há 4 anos

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15 € /por hora

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