Alex Elizo

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flag-es Espanha
flag-gr Grécia

Entradas em fóruns de Alex

  • Fórum

    caceres septiembre 2012 hasta junio 2013

    Hello:I am a Spanish boy who next year will be in Cáceres studing. Last year I was Erasmus in Greece, and I liked the experience so much that I want feel Erasmus this year. So I would like to meet people from anywhere in the world is to come during the course Caceres...

  • Fórum


    Hello: I am a Spanish boy who next year will be in Cáceres studing. Last year I was Erasmus in Greece, and I liked the experience so much that I want feel Erasmus this year. So I would like to meet people from anywhere in the world is to come during the course Caceres...

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