Aiswarya Dileep

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Entradas em fóruns de Aiswarya

  • Fórum

    Florence Design Academy 2017

    Hi Mason, Just send them the mail and they ll revert bk with a form and set of instruction which includes what all documents is to be submitted. I still got to submit the documents.ANd I would be doing it by email.  Hope this helped  Thanks,  Aiswarya 

  • Fórum

    Florence Design Academy - Sep 2017

    Hi guys,   I am Aiswarya from India.. Even am planning to join for Master's in FDA for September 2017. And guys, am also looking for roommates. Please let me know if you are interested.single room in shared basis...  And we already have a bunch of people...

  • Fórum

    Florence Design Academy 2017

    Hi guys,  I am Aiswarya.. Am planning to join the institute for September 2017.can anyone help me regarding the course.,if the college is accredited? And regarding internships if we can do them there during our course?  Am also looking for Roommates

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