Zsófia Molnár

Programy, które obserwuje

Miasta, które obserwuje

flag-pt Portugalia
Costa de Caparica

Współlokatorzy Zsófia

  • Room for two, or apartment to share with someone.

    I'm looking for a room for two, the location is not important until I can get to my university within an hour by public transport. I’m already in Almada at a hostel looking for a room for me and my friend. I’m a 23 years old mechanical engineering student from...

    1 rok temu
  • Room for two, or apartment to share with someone.

    I'm looking for a room for two, the location is not important until I can get to my university within an hour by public transport. I’m already in Almada at a hostel looking for a room for me and my friend. I’m a 23 years old mechanical engineering student from...

    1 rok temu
  • Room for two, or apartment to share with someone.

    I'm looking for a room for two, the location is not important until I can get to my university within an hour by public transport. I’m already in Almada at a hostel looking for a room for me and my friend. I’m a 23 years old mechanical engineering student from...

    1 rok temu

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