Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design
Institut d'Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya (IAAC)
Lokalizacja Online (from Barcelona, Hiszpania)
Degree Type Master
Start Date Request info
Zajęcie 10 miesięcy
Application Deadline Request info
Języki Angielski
Uwaga! Online
mijesca ImiÄ™
Pace Instructor-paced
Tuition fees 7500 €
Opis pokoju
The Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design – MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers with the skills that the industry of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) demands nowadays.
The programme provides expertise in the application of the latest digital softwares for design simulation, analysis and optimization of digital data in architecture, offering a broad and advanced theoretical and practical knowledge of computational design.
Based on a Data Driven, Learning by doing and Design by Research methodology, the master offers a unique online educational experience.
In contrast to the traditional Online programs, the Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design– a 60 ECTS accredited Master degree consisting in three 15 ECTS postgraduate programs- offers a real-class “virtual” environment, based on a continuous, interactive and collaborative learning process.
Applications for 2020/2021 academic year are still open, due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19. APPLY NOW
Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design
The Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design is accredited by the School of Professional and Executive Development at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia – European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
1st edition; 60 ECTS; 10 months – From October 2020 to July 2021 // Full Time; Online (synchronous or asynchronous); English; 7.500€.
The Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design is accredited with 60 ECTS and it’s articulated into 3 modules + a Master Thesis. Students can apply to each module independently as a postgraduate programme, each one accredited with 15 ECTS.
Context & Agenda
The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry moves rapidly, asking designers across the globe to be equipped with the most advanced tools to address the challenges that they will face during their careers and shift the change towards a more sustainable practice.
Advanced Computation tools such as Structural and Environmental analysis, Building information Modelling (BIM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) allow a fluent communication between the different agents that take part in the construction process from early stages of design, becoming powerful drivers of change towards a more sustainable, creative and responsive architecture.
Students willing to become the leading professionals of tomorrow must embrace the computational challenges that can empower them to boost innovative approaches to architecture and design.
Student profile
For Architects, Designers, Engineers who want to become experts in Advanced Computation and lead the change in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.
Do you want to learn new tools and methodologies working with the leading experts and faculty, in an innovative educational structure that puts the students’ needs and creativity at the centre? Do you want to continue your education online and take part in a complete master programme, based on collaborative work and interactive learning? Then the Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design – MaCAD is made for you!
Professional opportunities
The Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design connects the students to an international network of practitioners, institutions and companies, leading pioneer computational design applications in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) field.
On the one hand, working in a “virtual class” environment, students have the possibility to interact with faculty and colleagues in a highly professional context getting ready for the operational and working model of a professional practice. On the other hand, a series of industries and international offices, connected with IAAC and MaCAD offer in an annual basis internship positions and job opportunities for IAAC Alumni.
Academic structure
The Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design, based on a Data Driven, Learning by doing and Design by Research methodology, offers a unique online educational experience, articulated in 3 modules followed by a Master Thesis Project.
1 - Advanced Computation for Environmental and Structural Design
The Advanced Computation for Environmental and Structural Design module focuses on a design paradigm that is informed by environmental analysis and strategies for structural optimization. Across this module, students will receive the most advanced knowledge on the latest software developments and tools for environmental simulation and structural optimization at every scale of the design workflow: from building to urban scale.
This module is composed of the following courses:
- Environmental and Structural Design – Theory – 3 ECTS.
- Environmental and Structural Design – Studio – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Environmental Analysis for Architectural Design – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Structural Optimization Strategies – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Complex Forming – 3 ECTS.
2 - Building Information Modelling and Smart Construction
The Building Information Modelling and Smart Construction module focuses on the recent paradigm of Building Information Modelling (BIM) by reviewing the most relevant paradigms in three different aspects of it: Integrative modelling, collaborative workflows, and cloud-based data management in design. In this postgraduate, you’ll learn the most advanced tools to face this ubiquitous challenge that architects face nowadays.
This module is composed of the following courses:
- BIM and Smart Construction – Theory – 3 ECTS.
- BIM and Smart Construction – Studio – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Integrative Modelling – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Collaborative Workflows – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Cloud-based Data Management – 3 ECTS.
3 - Artificial Intelligence in Architecture
The Postgraduate in Artificial Intelligence in Architecture module focuses on teaching theoretical and practical knowledge in the use of most advanced tools for the design through machine learning and artificial intelligence. In this postgraduate course, you will learn the most advanced techniques for designing with such tools, using GAN models or deep learning algorithms to assist or fully automate the design at different levels.
This module is composed of the following courses:
- Artificial Intelligence in Architecture – Theory – 3 ECTS.
- Artificial Intelligence in Architecture – Studio – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools Generative Building Design – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Computer Vision & Urban Space – 3 ECTS.
- Digital Tools for Algorithmic Geometrical Optimization – 3 ECTS.
4 - Master Thesis Project
This fourth phase focuses on the extended research of the Development Studio Project of Module three (15 ECTS credits). During this period, students have the opportunity to integrate to their projects more in-depth issues related to the computational agenda, as well as the inherent material, organisational and spatial complexities determined by the chosen working scale and the experience gained during the year’s programme.
The MaCAD Online Experience
In contrast to the traditional Online programs and tutorials, the Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design offers a real-class “virtual” environment, based on a continuous, interactive and collaborative learning process.
The MaCAD is not an solitary experience, as the program gives the possibility to be part of a selected group of international students, seamlessly connected thanks to the most advanced platform for video-conferencing and collaborative working.
The limited number of students (a maximum of 25 per course) ensures that each student can be rigorous and continuously followed by the faculty and the academic coordination team, with dedicated hours for academic counselling and administrative support.
Flexible Schedule
Students can choose to follow the program in Synchronous or Asynchronous format, according to their time-zone or their personal schedule, and based on tutorials and lectures + mentoring group sessions.
In the Synchronous format, students follow the tutorials and lectures using a video-conference and collaborative work tool (ZOOM). Immediately after, the course continues with the live mentoring group sessions with the faculty and the other students, in order to review the students’ work and project development.
During the rest of the day, students can develop their work individually or interacting with their colleagues, counting on online conferencing tools and the online campus tools, including online campus platform and chat rooms.
In the Asynchronous format, tutorials and lectures are recorded daily and shared with the students. After having watched the recorded tutorials and lectures, students join the live mentoring group sessions in video-conference with the faculty and the other students, in order to review their work and project development.
During the rest of the day, students can develop their work individually or interacting with their colleagues, counting on online conferencing tools and the online campus platform, including online forums and chat rooms.
Programme director
David Andrés León
David Andres Leon is an architect with focus on the research, training and development of computational tools for the AEC industry.
He currently works for McNeel Europe providing support for third- party developers pushing the boundaries of interoperability and computational design globally. He is also part of the faculty of the Masters for Advanced Architecture in IAAC where he teaches in the Digital Matter studio alongside Areti Markopoulou. David also teaches programing for architects at the MPDA Masters programme of the UPC.
David holds a Master of Science Degree from the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) in Universitat Stuttgart and a Masters Degree in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture from the Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona (Elisava). He has been involved in several research undertakings of which stand out his participation in German research platform FAT-LAB in Stuttgart and his collaboration as a research assistant in the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) for the EU-Horizon 2020 Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive Action project Flora Robotica. David is also the co-author of varios publications in the field of architectural research and robotics.