Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Rome 2011 / 2012 (English)

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Hi all! I will be studying at LUISS from September till February. I'm looking for a roommate as well as a place to stay. If anyone is interested or has any recommendations, do email me at [email protected]

You can also email me if you want to meet up before school starts!

Can't wait!

Hi guys most probably will be at the Sapienza next October :)

I'm coming to Rome in september too (till february), but I'm going to look for a room in the beginning of july.
And I'm looking forward to staying in Rome! :)


HI ERASMUS! If you need some help, or you vave some questions you can ask me without problems ;)
I live in Rome ;)
ERASMUS ROMA Association http://www.spqe.it/

Hi guys! I'm going to Rome at Sapienza in September and I'm looking for some people who would like to be in touch with me in order to find a place to live and organise everything connected with the application procedures etc. Im waiting for the news, kiss!

I have this room available from July the 15th. It's in the centre of Rome, you can easily walk to Coliseum, to La Sapienza University and to Termini Railways Station. Look at the maps and links to youtube videos on here: stanzaroma.carbonmade.com
In the other room there is a girl, so girls only please!

Hi! We are two girls from barcelona (Anna and Berta) and we will be in Rome studing architecture from September to July! We are looking for some place to live or someone to share a flat (maybe it's cheaper if we ook for a flat to share instead of renting just a room..)!
See you in Rome! :)

Hehey! Coming to Rome in February 2011 and looking for a room!!
any suggestions?
hope to see you soon, !

hi everyone!

My name is Maria and I am a student of economics in Cádiz (Spain)
My friend and I are going to Rome from september to july and we are looking for two single rooms
we also want to meet people who are going to go as well

if anyone has any interesting information this is my email: [email protected]

p.s: we go to Sacro Cuore:)

i have an apartment to let out in rome if you are interested get back to me [email protected]

Hi! I am looking for accommodation for the entire academic year in Rome! I am arriving on October 1st 2011 and I am looking for something close to Roma Tre and the city centre! I am currently studying English Literature, Drama and Italian in University College Dublin. Message me if you want to look for accommodation together!

Im participating in a contest to win a 500€ prize, , and I need your help.

It is very easy:

1- Go to: http://www.facebook.com/Er​asmoos
2- Click: “I like it" or "Gefällt mir" (in any language)
3- Click: “Erasmoos Blue” (in the centre or in the left under the image).
4- Allow the application.
5- You have to click in “Votar” fernando soneira


Hey, I am moving to Rome in October to study in Roma Tre! If anyone is interested in finding accommodation together let me know! Email me and we can chat via facebook! [email protected]

Hi everyone!

We are two students of History and Archeology from Sevilla (Spain).
I'm Mané and my friend is Maria, We would like finding accommodation with Italian students or Erasmus from other countries, so we can learn other cultures and languages!
We are looking for accommodation near campus Roma Tre (Piramide, Garbatella, Via Ostiense, etc.) for the academic year (from September to July).
If anyone want contact me, I'm in facebook: Manuel Jesús Zafra Castellano and my mail is: [email protected].

See you soon Roman friends!

P.D.--> Sorry for my english! jaja!!

Hi! I study Law in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, next year i'll go to Rome to study Law in Università Europea di Roma. I'm searching people from all the countries to share appartament and to know there.

Thank you!

Hi everybody!

I'm going to study at Roma Tre in september, software enginering.
I'm looking for some single room with not-spanish people in San Lorenzo or Piazza Bologna...

See u!

Hello everyone!

I'll be going to Rome in September, and I'll be studying in La Sapienza. I'd like to get acquainted with all of you guys, so we could start partying right away upon arrival! ;) Hope to see ya'll soon.

Wish you all the very best.

Hello guys! I will come to Rome in september to study on Roma Tre. I am currently looking for accomodation near the university but it's very difficult. Does anyone have a room for rent?

Hi, I'll come to Rome in the beginning of september and I'm looking for a room close to the Piazza Bologna. I'm staying until end of december. Can somebody help me finding a place to stay?
Thanks! :)

Here you can download a guide for Erasmus students in Rome ;)

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