Barbora Sušienková Napisano 13 lat temu
Gennadi, i am having this meeting on september 23 and don't know anything neither. hopefully, we'll receive an e-mail with further information or they'll just tell us everything during that meeting. anyway, i don't even know where and when the meeting is taking place. lol. does anybody know?
Barbora Sušienková Napisano 13 lat temu
Guys, what about a welcome party?
KOALA BEER Napisano 13 lat temu
hello Gennadi, I also had to take 7 courses, just to have enough credits..
a song hmmm, what about 'we all live in a yellow submarine'
Selçuk Abasıkeleş Napisano 13 lat temu
:)))) nice song,You think,is that enough for break the ice :D where are you now,in prag?
Aaron Barreto Napisano 13 lat temu
The Law faculty adress is náměstí Curieových 7, Praha, Česká republika...
Regards from Czech Republic!!!
Jakub Sedlak Napisano 13 lat temu
Are you looking for a flat?
KOALA BEER Napisano 13 lat temu
no I'm not in prague :( I have to wait till February :( :( :( I think it is an ice breaking song! :p
Selçuk Abasıkeleş Napisano 13 lat temu
February ??? why ?? will u go to prag on spring semester? hahaha maybe you sing another song :p
Gennadi D Napisano 13 lat temu
Muchas gracias Aaron!
That's a relief to know I'm not the only one with 7, Hanne lol.. at my uni I usually only do 3/4 a semester!
KOALA BEER Napisano 13 lat temu
yes, I couldn't miss my family and friends for a whole year :p another song? what do you think I am? a jukebox? :p
Gennandi, don't you have to study longer then? 7 courses damn, at least we can suffer together now, lol
Selçuk Abasıkeleş Napisano 13 lat temu
hahahah jukebox :D why not :p I will check how many songs you know when I arrive Prague :D
Barbora Sušienková Napisano 13 lat temu
Gennadi, at my uni, I had 13 in the 1st semester, 1st year. crazy...
Eduardo Vázquez Napisano 13 lat temu
Would anyone like basketball? I like it enough and i'm thinking in go to watch the matches of the basketball teams of Prague and also, in go to the Balcans for watch more of good teams.
There are some crazy over here?
Anna Planas Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi!! I'm Anna and I will be studying at the Third Faculty of Medicine. I'll go to Hostivar residence the 26th!
Kathleen Roofthooft Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi! I'm Kathleen and I will be studying at Charles University from february till June. :-) I study law, and I'm hoping to meet some nice people! ;-)
Antonio Carlos Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi , I'm looking for a bedroom so if you need a flatmate, please contact to me at [email protected]
roberta verlotta Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi people, I'm Roberta. I'll go at CULS in february. is there someone who goes? bye...
Eduardo Vázquez Napisano 13 lat temu
I´ll go at CULS all the year.
roberta verlotta Napisano 13 lat temu
What do you study Eduardo?
Anaël André Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi guys! We are looking for two roommates for a flat which is fully furnished in Praha 1. If you're interested and you want more informations send us a private message, otherwise see you soon to party!!!