Cova Palacio Napisano 11 lat temu
Hello everybody!
I am Cova, I am spanish and i am new here! I am going to be in Heidelberg for my erasmus year, studying chemistry in the ruprecht karls universität. I am going to be for the entire year and now i am starting to look for somewhere to live. My friend told me that the Studentbewerks (as fas as i know they are student dorms) are cheaper than sharing flats, but they also have tons of rules andy ou can not host anyone in your room more than a night (that's what i read) and I rather pay a little more and host the friends that are coming to visit me. Anyway, anyone who can help me to find for a flat or a non-so-strict Studentbewerk?
Thank you!!!:D
Sara Fernández Napisano 11 lat temu
Deberías poner esto en el foro para Heidelberg para que lo vea la gente, no en el de Oviedo ;)
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