Sylwia Karbowiak
Napisano 12 lat temu
I study Information Technology at Lodz University of Technology, also second year.
I can show you some places in Lodz if you want. :) We have great clubs and unique post-industrial architecture.
We have some Erasmus students from Portugal every year. You've heard some recommendations about Lodz or it's just by chance?
What is that atelier you're going to have internship in?
Sylwia Karbowiak
Napisano 12 lat temu
IFE ;) But generally FTIMS. I haven't heard about any summer school at TUL. Maybe ESN-EYE organizes sth but I'm not a member. I'm only a mentor for Erasmus students since last year. :)
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
Eh :/ - was also in shock when they told me about it ( during 2 weeks in summer over 70 people will come here :O - not only from europe - but also from Brazil , Equador, China ,etc .. :O ) - and I will be one of e person who have to "take care" of them so I will write to U when we will organise some party - it will be nice way to make new friends :D ! - If U will want of course :D !! Btw which languages do You know ?
Sylwia Karbowiak
Napisano 12 lat temu
Wow, really? Who organizes it? Is there any info about this event on the net?
I know only about summer course about brewing beer etc. organized by BEST. I speak English, French and little German.
It would be nice to take part in it if I will be in Lodz then. :)
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
Nice :O ! And You Ana ? hihi My sister was in Porto for erasmus 1 year ago :D - she told me that Portuguesse is very very hard :/ .. Sylwia I have to ask my friend when directly is summer school from TUL - from UL I found information here -> (I am trying to go for Equador from this program but I will know tomorrow if it is possible because it is not very cheap and we need 2 more people to find eh :/ :)
Teresa Rosendo
Napisano 12 lat temu
Oh second year too, we're new haha
Well, actually I've never heard of Lodz until last month... This opportunity came and I just grabbed it so hard, because it's a one life time opportunity! The atelier is the MooMoo, don't know if you're familiar with it. They invite a student from my university to stay with them for the next three months, doing really atelier work! (it's gonna be pretty haaard! but i'm willing to start!)
But I've donne some research about the city and I think I'll really like it! I'm thinking about going to Varsaw to, just to check it
ACtually my plane lands in Varsaw, and not in Lodz. So I think I'll have to catch a train to reach to Lodz. I'm not pretty sure yet of how I'm gonna do it... Do you know if there are many trains from Varsow to Lodz?
Andrzej, Porto is sooooooo beautiful! One of my favourite cities in the world! Yes, portuguese is pretty hard but polish is pretty hard too! I hope my english can save me haha
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
Dont worry from Warsaw to Łódź U have train in every hour :) - I am sure cause my german friend was visiting me several days ago :). Ps I am affraid Polish people are not very good in english - especially old persons but U have to survive ! :D:D
Teresa Rosendo
Napisano 12 lat temu
Every hour? GOOOD! And they're expensive? I just hope I don't loose myself when I arrive to Lodz. I'm buying one of those books that every tourist has, and I'll have everyday with me!
Yes, Porto is beautiful but Lisbon... Oh Lisbon... The city of the seven hills!
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
yep every hour ! :) - for students its cheap but I guess they will not "recognise" Ur student's ID so U will pay as an normal adult person - around 36zł (so sth like 9€ ) I hope too U will not loose :D - 1 of my spanish friends make mistake and get into wrong train :O so be patient !! :D .
Hehe I guess U love Lizbon ? hihi which one cities/countries have U visited ??
Teresa Rosendo
Napisano 12 lat temu
Oh god, I hope I get the right one! I'm arriving at night so it will be a problem if I don't get the right one... The station is near from the dorms? (I know I'm not sure if there are rooms available but I'm really hoping!)
Hmm... Last summer I've been in Rome and I ABSOLUTLY loved it! I've been in Madrid, Marbella, Benalmadena also in Spain. I would love to go to Barcelona sometime, but never really had the chance...
What about you? Travel a lot? (:
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
Wait ... hm it is not very close but U can get there in 20 minutes ! :) - I hope too they will have free roms cause than everything will be very easy ! :) . Ow U visited totally difrent places than me ! :D I was in sweden , in Italy in Milano, in Greece on Rhodos, Santorini, Creta , in Athens , on Cyprus, in most turistic places in turkey without Stambul , In Port El Kantaui inTunisia in Sharm el Shake(?- sory for wrong names xD) Egipt and in early countries -in Berlin in Germany, Harahov in Czech, Slovakia - in capitol
Teresa Rosendo
Napisano 12 lat temu
You're a real traveler! I'm trying to visit a different european city every summer. I was hopping I could go to prague 'cause I saw the flights and they're not that expensive, so I'm already thinking about a weekend to visit it too.
My plane is direct to varsow, but there were another flights that stoped in amesterdam that's a place that I would love to visit to!
Seriously I'm really crossing my fingers to get a room in there!
But tell me, how's the living in Lodz? Nice restaurants, places to take a walk. night...
Ah, and what about the weather? I heard that's pretty rainy... I'll miss my portuguese suuuuuun :)
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
hihi first of all łódź is not very beautifull as cities to which U used to ! but it is very characteristic :) . Places to see hm : White factory, Poznańskiego Palace , Manufaktura , Piotrkowska street , Museum of cinematography , biggest Jewish cemetery , Księży młyn .. :) to restaurants hmm it will makes u suprise but we have more places to eat kebabs and chinesse food than Polish traditional food :) - but when U will be here we can show U some very nice places !! At night ? we have really a lot of clubs and pubs - but it depends what kind of music and style do U like :D .,.. Weather ? now it is raining but 2 days ago we had 30 degrees !!
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
Ow and I forgot !! I am sure U will love here our prices ;) - it's very cheap country for erasmus students from west countries ! :)
Teresa Rosendo
Napisano 12 lat temu
I'm open to everything new. New city, new life! (for three months haha) I'll check everything, and hope that I'll have a really good time there. You are in the area? So that if I need anything I could give you a hint. I'm going to do the internship to work hard but I wanna have some good times too and enjoy every minute in Lodz.
I really hope that are some other foreigners like me in summer! :D
Teresa Rosendo
Napisano 12 lat temu
Really? That's not that good, I'm going to buy so many gifts for everybody! haha
Actually I wanted to ask you about that too, the cost of life there. But good! If it's cheaper than here FANTASTIC! Portugal is going throw an awfull crisis!
There are many stores and malls there? Like zara and things like that? (Sorry, this is some girls conversation now hahaha)
And the money! I have to change it right? From euros to zlotys? Ohhhhh, so many concerns!!
Andrzej Cho
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hihihi sure no problem :) - If U will need anything give ma hint ! :D - and yep I will be in lodz for sure to the middle of september - later we will see :) . And dont worry ! I am sure U will meet foreigners ! - for example one of my Italian friend will be here to 06.08 also so I guess some erasmus will be at place to enjoy . Normally when people come here for studying in whole year they are starting to love this place :) . during last semester we have here 60 spanish, 60 turkish and other 80 people so really a lot :O !!
Teresa Rosendo
Napisano 12 lat temu
Thank you!
I hope I can fit there like all of them! It's only for 3 months so I'll have to fit faster.
There's a loooooot of 'outsiders' haha that's really awesome!
I'm going to sleep now, tomorrow I'll have to wake really early... We'll keep in touch! Don't forget to call to the dorms :P
Thank you so much for your time! Bye bye :)