Urgently looking for a roommate! :)
Wątek stworzony przez 5 המוגזמים . — 10 lat temu
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5 המוגזמים Napisano 10 lat temu
I'm an upcoming student who's seeking a roommate in Krakow, (preferably within the Podgórze area), for a long-term accommodation.
ket v Napisano 10 lat temu
Hello ,
I am staying in podgorze area. Just an fyi..its very hard to find room in this area. Let me know your budget and preferences. I will try to find something suitable.
Domenico Carascone Napisano 10 lat temu
Hi, I am italian student coming to krakow and my grandfather has a flat with two rooms to rent for students, in the aerea Podgorze, exactly Debniki, which is 5 minutes from the Castle Wawel. I would like to take one room and the other will be available for a foreign student. Are you interested?
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