Erasmusu Staff
Napisano 14 lat temu
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Karlsruhe 2011 / 2012!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Karlsruhe in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Karlsruhe, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Karlsruhe
- People who have been, are and will be in Karlsruhe
- A photo gallery of Karlsruhe
- Erasmus experiences in Karlsruhe
- The map and weather in Karlsruhe
- The Universities in Karlsruhe
If you're a student who's spent time in Karlsruhe in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Karlsruhe by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Karlsruhe win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Monika T
Napisano 13 lat temu
anyone enjoying ERASMUS programme in Karlsruhe -2011-2012? :)
Denise T
Napisano 13 lat temu
Me :)
Laia Guasch
Napisano 13 lat temu
Me too! Now, I'm looking for a residence.
Atamert Arslan
Napisano 13 lat temu
I'm pretty much having fun with my friends in Karlsruhe ;)
As far as I heard it's unfortunately a little bit hard to find a residence. Generally one can be found a little bit outskirts of Karlsruhe.
Monika T
Napisano 13 lat temu
OMG this forum is great !
Atamert,I heard the same thing about finding accommodation,but my hope is based on the fact that I am gonna find a free room at the campus.Campus= more fun :)
Are u a student there?:)
Atamert Arslan
Napisano 13 lat temu
Yeah, recently found this forum. Seems like an intesting idea though.
Wow, free room and plus on the campus ?? You must have connections then :P I will stay basically in the dormitory. Some of my friends are even unluckier to find a place in dormitories. Hope you can find one :)
Yep, I have recently started my erasmus life here :)
The others are also students I guess, what about you?
Laia Guasch
Napisano 13 lat temu
I'll try to apply to Europahaus, I've heard that it's big and there are parties every day!
Hope I can finde a place for next school year.
Atamert, what are you studing in Karlsruhe? Hope, that everything is good for u!
Atamert Arslan
Napisano 13 lat temu
Que bueno ! But finding such place takes some time then?
I'm studying Wirtshaftsingeniuerwesen(if I spellt it right :D) Well, everything is just great. I have a bike which is actually a wonderful thing for me. If there is something you're not familiar with, then its effect gets doubled. :)
Orientation week was quite intensive and now we are taking german courses. Yeah, also having some parties :)
Denise T
Napisano 13 lat temu
im gonna study Wirtschaftingenieuerwesen too next year! :) so youll have to tell me what kind of subjects your are coursing!!
Atamert Arslan
Napisano 13 lat temu
eheh what do you want to know? ;)
Denise T
Napisano 13 lat temu
its still to early! but ill certainly have lots of questions in a not so far away future :)
David Gayango
Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi!! My name is David and I'll go to Karlsruhe the next year!!!
But I'm a little afraid because I don't speak German jejeje
See you
Monika T
Napisano 13 lat temu
what university are u going at ,David?
Don't worry about german ,it is not so difficult as it seems,and u can take free classes of german there :)
Cristian Nadal
Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi!I'm a erasmus, Next year I'll probably go to karlsruhe, can anyone tell me about karlsruhe? How is the town, parties..
Álvaro Demetrio
Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi everybody. I'm an electrical enigineering student in Spain (Cádiz) and i'm heading to KIT (Karlsruhe Institute für Technologie). My German isn't good at all, even though I have an accredited B1 level. However, I get it on 2007, and I haven't used the language in the last 4 years lol. I guess I'll try to reach my former level in the prior months before my arrival.
I've a concern about the livin' thing in Karlsruhe, I mean, I'm not sure what'd be better; either a rent-flat, which is very common here, or a residence. Thoughts?
By the way, if you need anything, you can contact me via FB or Twitter, just put my name on the browser, I'm sure you'll be able to find me lol.
David Gayango
Napisano 13 lat temu
I'm going to Karlruhe institute of technology, I'll should do my Final project, and a business subject.
Where are you going at, Monica??
Monika T
Napisano 13 lat temu
I m going at Duale Hochschule, faculty of Business -department of International Business Administration :)
I hate u guyz,KIT is in Zentrum :)
David,when are u coming?
Laia Guasch
Napisano 13 lat temu
I'm going to KIT too.
Now, I'm looking for a residence, I've heard that to book for a room you have to send an email to a woman called Melitta.
In my opinion, it's better to go a residence because there're more parties. Well, I've talked with people that went to ERASMUS and everybody said that...
I'm studing german right now, and more or less i've got between level A2 - B1. Hope I can improve my skills there. I've already read that the university offers german courses before the beginning of the school year. I think I'll go.
I'll do my Final Project too... and I'm a bit afraid of this... because I don't know if I have to do it in german... lol.
How many months are all of you going there? me, the whole year... 10! :)
David Gayango
Napisano 13 lat temu
Monika I'm going to karlsruhe in the summer term, I hate the cold jajajajjaja. When are you going??
Laia don't worry, In my university I can't go to Karlsruhe if I want to do any subjets in english, but if I want to do my final project I don't have any problem, I don't speak German ;-)