Gemma Tido
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi everyone,
My name is Gemma and im from Spain! im also joining FDA in Jan 2017 for a Masters in Interior Design, i've just paid my fees on friday but have not heard from them since, i guess it takes time if its an international payment(?)
However, i was wondering how is everyone looking for accomodation, are you doing it in contact with FDA? looking online? Im a bit lost here and would like to learn what is best, specially since i'll be going with my pets and will need to find roommates that are ok with them.
Looking forward to meeting you guys :)
Snehal Chavan
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hey everyone,
FDA is amazing. They replied me and they are sending me all the required documents already.✌
Snehal Chavan
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi Gemme,
Snehal from INDIA. FDA helps in finding apartment. You just need to tell them. And you have to go 10 days Before. Just send them a mail about this. And they replied me in a week Yes it take a bit time. now they will send us VISA Documents. ✌
Gemma Tido
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi Snehal,
thanks for the repply :) They contacted me too and are sending my documents and answering all my questions
cant wait for Jan 2017!
Robert Lee
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi , i'll be starting at FDA on Sept and am currently looking for a housemate do pm me if keen
nivethitha dhayalan
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hello, I am planning to do my Masters in Interior Design in Florence Design Academy for Jan 2017 and have got an acceptance mail and yet to pay the emrollment fee. I wanted to know about the faculty and the cost of living and is IELTS mandatory for FDA. Also they did not ask for portfolio so im a little confused as in if the mail is authenticated.
Mustafa Farooqui
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hello everyone,
I m Mustafa from india , wil be attending one year Interior design program at FDA this September, I have been enrolled in and looking forward to coming ovr thr but getting trouble to find accomodation, its bit confusing on the net, i ll be looking forward to a place near FDA.Really looking forward to meet new people, do pm me for any suggestions.
Snehal Chavan
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi Nivethitha,
Please check earlier chats. you will get all the information. :) hope it will help you.
Vamsi Krishna
Napisano 8 lat temu
Anyone there ? im having a doubt..
In this link SUB-MASTERS PROGRAM they've written "It is required that the student possesses a degree in a compatible design major for acceptance". Im a student in electronics. Can i apply for it ??
upeksha Devadithya
Napisano 8 lat temu
If you are serching a place to stay i hot a room in my appartment to rent contac me on Erasmus
Nigar Ismayilova
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi, I look for a room in August for rent. Will it be available in august? And where it's located? Thanks
upeksha Devadithya
Napisano 8 lat temu
It is Florence.viale Donato Giannotti. It id near the ponte vecchio old bridge can walk in 15 min to center near uffizzi gallery.
upeksha Devadithya
Napisano 8 lat temu
May i know from which country you from.and your gender.thanks
sneha siddharth
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi Vamsi,
You can apply for the program. They accept graduates from any field. Even i have completed my Btech in Electronics.
Hope this helps
Jasleen Gujral
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi all,
I am an ex-student of Florence Design Academy, year 2010-11/ September batch. I did a Masters in Interior Design and was accepted too, in spite I did B.E.- IT prior to this diploma. Italy usually gives diploma. Their educational standard is quite good and they help you to groom your graphical skills; if you're expecting to learn interiors from scratch you'd have to prepare for some ideas before you go there as you will not have time to think and ask and complete your projects. You get to work on a lot of projects twisting and testing your imaginative skills. But, outcomes are best.
Health wise - please carry your meds, I got allergies from any raw food/fruits (mainly) and it was difficult for me to get a doc. You must know the composition of the medicines that suit you as names are different, I've never had allergies before that in India or anywhere.
Stay - you'll find lots of agencies, I at first booked my stay in Academy 9 hostel, very neat and clean just behind FDA I must say. It's situated in the centre then as I made friends I moved to a PG, was very far off so then I moved to an independent Apartment which was on the other side of the bridge Ponte Vecchio, then I finally found one in via de martelli, was awesome there, like 5 mins walk from FDA.
FDA also helps you to get in touch of such agencies.
-You will be asked to apply for Permesso di Soggiorno (Permit to Stay for more than 3 months of your stay to complete your degree). It will be a one day job.
Placement - you must know an EU language, there was recession, but, as soon as I returned to India I opened my firm and I'm running my business successfully.
Faculty - Teachers are awesome and very professional. They would teach you to imagine and believe in your own designs. You must have some ideas and concepts or redesigning of your house. It's mainly going to hone your graphical skills no matter what course you apply to which will help you make a great portfolio and work.
Exhibitions - The college gives you a lot of opportunities to attend exhibitions, you have to pay for your travel tickets, every thing is very near by. I have been to Bologna furniture exhibition, RHO Milan/ i Saloni world famous exhibition and the best. And of course, the FDA one that usually happens in October to showcase your work. Other than that, you will get a chance to travel to other places I also covered Paris on Christmas, was awesome.
Safety - Well it is safe but as the college faculty warned us of pick pockets and if you have a bicycle be doubly wary of the chainlocks you use.
Language - do join Italian language course anywhere in Piazza di Repubblica, nice classes or there are free Italian classes, it's easy but needs practice as most of the words and pronunciations are a mix of English and Hindi. It's a good opportunity even FDA offers it, but with projects in hand you might at first find it difficult. But keep going.. they take a test too and if done properly will be added to your transcripts.
Accreditation - FDA is accredited, it also follows ISO standardization, so no need to worry.
Nightlife - you can go to Yab or any other nearby pubs/clubs lots of them, on every street. But, I personally preferred enjoying the street music at Piazza di Repubblica in the evenings.
One more thing, you might need a Visa card for your expenses right? I instead of opening a bank account got this card from the bank opposite to Duomo/Battistero namely MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA. They issue a card which is valid for a year or so and can transfer money from accounts in India to this card and use it to draw money.
And last but not the least, do carry a camera. Apart from selfies do click some pictures of the sculptures and detailing of objects like windows, doors and the layers used, it would be of help when you start your work.
Good Luck!
Aastha Langayan
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hey jasleen I am a graduate and want to pay the fees of fda masters myself. Can I do a job earn and pay my fees.
How did you pay your fees ? Please guide
I cannot afford to take a loan
Scholarship is not an easy task I guess.
My cousin did her MBA from UK full time
She worked full time in day light for till 5pm and took evening classes so easily paid her fees.
Lastly is it good for industrial design too ?
Jasleen Gujral
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hey Aastha,
I took a loan of 7.5 Lakhs from UBI and was easily able to survive. My overall expenditure was 200€ for food (for like 15 days 2 people) and 400€ rent per month; when 1€ was Rs.60; I paid back this amount in 3 years while establishing my business.
30% of the crowd you see in September are Europeans whereas the rest are tourists. You can still give a shot at this time of the year but in the long run they pick people who know at least one EU language.
I would like to repeat that no matter what subject you pick, FDA will help you hone your software skills, so, you must have a prior knowledge of your subject and also some concepts ready that help you complete your projects.
Sukrutha B
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hello everyone...☺I am Sukrutha from Bangalore, India. I have applied for Masters in Interior Design Jan 2017 and have paid the enrollment fees. Also I am looking for let me know