Cassandre Leduc

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flag-cz Czechy

Współlokatorzy Cassandre

  • 23 years old french girl looking for an accomodation during her internship

    Hi ! I am a 23 yeal old girl from France whi will be in internship in the Hague for 6 mounth. I wold like to find a room in a nice appartment with other studentd or yound graduates. I am social, easy-going and like to share good moments with my roommates. I am tidy and...

    2 lat temu
  • 20 year old french girl looking for accomadation in Prague

    I'm a 20 year old girl looking for roommates  and a flat in Prague! I will be studying law at Charles university next year. I would like to find a flat not to far from the university and the center of the city. I would like to find one or mayby more roommates.  I'm...

    6 lat temu

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