Micaela Iaccarino

Huisgenoten Micaela

  • Erasmus student looking for accommodation in Brno

    Hi everybody, my name is Micaela Iaccarino. I'm an italian student, I'm 23 years old and I'm looking for flatemates to share an apartment whit individual rooms in the centre of Brno. I'll be in Brno from October as an Erasmus traineeship student at the Early medieval...

    7 maanden geleden
  • Erasmus student looking for accommodation in Brno

    I am looking for a single room in a shared student flat in the centre of Brno, maybe from October to March because I'll be in Brno as an Erasmus traineeship student to Masaryk university. I am looking for potential roommates especially and house ads. I speak Italian,...

    7 maanden geleden

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